YouTube will soon be implementing a limit of minimum 10,000 life time views for a channel before the channel can apply for the YouTube partner program. Sometime ago when YouTube introduced its partner progam, it was greatly hailed and praised for its efforts to avoid Digital sharecropping and also, providing the users incentive to make better and interesting videos.
What is YouTube Partner Program
According to the YouTube partner program, the up loaders of the video got a share based on number of views to the video. The greater the number of views, the greater will be the profit according to the YouTube partner program. Any video was eligible to apply to be a part of YouTube Partner program, unless it used content that was under copyright infringement law.
This move greatly inspired people to expand their earning potential by making YouTube videos that would generate revenue for them. However now this minimum views limit has been applied, that disqualifies newly created channels who are unable to get a minimum of 10,000 views. Once the channel has that many views, it can apply for the YouTube partner program, and the application can be accepted or rejected based on YouTube’s discretion.
YouTubers might not be very happy with this move but, this move will benefit YouTube in many ways. Firstly if an account has 10,000 views, it means it is a well-established account, with strong footings and the owner is serious about the YouTube Partnership Program. Also it decreases the amount of requests that youTube gets daily to be a part of the YouTube Partner Program. In this way YouTube will get a better chance to filter the accounts that are exploiting the copyrights law by sharing material that they have not created themselves.
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