Balancing life is an important duty and especially when it comes to our society, the mindset is diversified. A dilemma exists when we try to hold two qualities that are seemingly in conflict i.e. work and family life. This is one the major problems that individuals face and are unable to do justice. Many influences of culture directly affects our choices and result in considerable consequences which are not anticipated. The question here arises are:
1- What are your conditions (financially)?
2-What is your mindset and perception for life?
3-How & what to prioritize?
These questions will surely help you to decide what is important for you and ultimately will help you achieve a balance between work and family.
According to the first stated question, it covers the part that how important a job is for you. If it is extremely critical or in some cases you are the sole bread earner for the family then for sure job is top most priority and good performance in a competitive market matters a lot to you. Professional life is full of challenges and you cannot learn the easy way out. A person has to fulfill the level of expectations and perform with utmost dedication and hard work to make a name. When it comes to females it takes a little longer to adjust and adapt to the environment and earn a respectable honest hardworking employee signature. When conditions are not suitable and you are the sole owner of the house with responsibility on your shoulder than there is no escape and the question of a balanced life even does not come into play because one way or the other work is primary whilst all others are secondary. Bizarre financial conditions always ask you to sacrifice family time and every single opportunity tempts you for a better career in long term. In such conditions sacrificing family and giving most time to work is the only possible solution/practice that people adopt.
Mindset is generally referred to as “”how you see your career in long run” as per this article. Every individual whether male or female has its own perception and expectation of his career. How they see themselves in 5 years’ time or so and what their future goals dependent upon this are. If a female is career oriented, you cannot forcefully ask her to spend time at home or ask her to do cooking sitting at home. This is important and one of the major problems when it comes to women. We live in 21st century and still we are practicing forceful implementation which not only corrupts the environment but hinders growth. Why a female should be asked to marry if she is willing to spend some years in molding a better career for herself. Why is this liberty not given to women?? The damage here is unforeseen. Let her breathe and live her own life. It’s not that every restriction is wrong but a limit to which restrictions can be fruitful should be identified. For a balance to be achieved mindset consideration is important for both gender equally. Forceful seeking of family pleasure from a work oriented person or vice versa is useless. Expect from people what they are capable to provide and do not hold high expectations of one other because this will lead to nothing except disappointment.
What is your priority??What do you want from your life?? How you relate work and family?? Are some of the questions that one need to ask and all answers are right there for you? Prepare yourself and follow the rules you made. There are number of married females in offices and organizations that are considerably fighting with a confused mindset. They are in constant complaining mode about both work and family and this exaggerates with pressure at either sides. This is only because they are confused of their decisions. If you have decided to marry and work simultaneously then be calm with the situation. Do not hassle and portray negativity for others. Obviously if it’s not financial crises a family going through neither any problems then for sure if you are married you are bound to handle both sides with calmness and positivity. Letting all fall apart just because you don’t know what is and was your priority is not recommended.
Family work-life balance is a complex issue that involves financial position, gender roles, perception for life, career satisfaction, time management and many others. To get a balance between all factors is impossible but what can be done is dependent on your will and choice. What is your recipe of life is surely different from the other and how you prepare the dish for yourself has no link with what is cooking in neighborhood. Every individual has the right to test his life or go with the flow, difference of opinion needs to be respected and the art to prioritize what you love is important and the only best possible solution to avoid conflicts within family or work so that your mindset is crystal clear to all. Learn to manage not to expect instant success.