Windows 10 three new versions might be released soon

Jun 5, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

As a result of accidental release of Windows 10 build 16212 for the mobile phones a number of new features and updates were released. Among them one thing that the experts inferred was that pretty soon Microsoft might be releasing not one three new versions of Windows 10.

Windows 10 3 new SKUs

 This might come as an extremely exciting and enticing news to all the Windows 10 users. One really efficient and intelligent Windows 10 user, AndItsTito found this leak and made it public through Twitter. He detected three new SKUs in the Windows 10 build 16212 leak and these can be the three new updates. The updates that we can expect soon are

read more Creators Update for Windows 10 coming soon

Windows 10

  • Windows 10 Pro for Advanced PCs
  • Windows 10 Pro N for Advanced PCs
  • Windows Server 2016 ServerRdsh

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There is definitely some element of truth in this statement. Here is what the experts are thinking. As Rdsh stands for remote desktop session host so this version of Windows might be aimed at hosting Windows based programs or whole Windows on remotely hosted client PCs. It also may be upgraded to Windows 10 education. Another upgrade that is available through another leak.

read more Windows 10 Redstone 3 Update Leaked features

These SKUs were found in the Windows 10 Fall Creators update build so they would be released soon hopefully. Let us hope that the release is sooner as compared to later. In the meantime if you still have not had creator’s update installed on your PC it is a high time that you do it now.

So are you excited about the news of three new Windows 10 being available to general public soon. Let us know by commenting below.

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