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Windows 10 Makes A Good Leap Forward

Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

At the beginning of each month, as usual, the latest figures from the renowned market research institute NetMarketShare are available.The current values for desktop and laptop operating systems will probably provide for satisfied faces in Redmond because Windows 10 could make a relatively full leap forward.

Windows 10

The November numbers of NetMarketShare in terms of the operating systems have basically changed nothing in the order of the top seats: Because Windows 7 is still clear before Windows 10. That will not change so soon, the gap is and remains too large.  However, the current operating system of Microsoft improved significantly between October and November 2017. In October, for example, the market share was 29.86 percent, compared to 31.95 percent last month.

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An increase of 2.09 percentage points is not common for Windows 10, even if it have had satisfactory gains for Microsoft in the past few months. Only from September Windows 10 lost slightly. There is no explanation for this, it can not be ruled out that NetMarketShare “allows” certain statistical fluctuations here.

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Nothing has changed at the top, as Windows 7 is still enthroned here. Currently, this comes to 43.12 percent. This means there is virtually no change in the case of Windows 7, as it was 43.05 percent in October. After that comes nothing for a long time, Windows 8.1 is in this worldwide coverage in the third position, the Windows 10 predecessor comes to 5.97 percent. Windows XP is not far behind, the OS oldie reached 5.73 percent. The first non-Microsoft operating system comes in fifth place, namely 4.01 percent for Mac OS X 10.12. 


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