You Will Soon Be Able To Add Videos To Google Maps Locations!

Aug 21, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Google Maps offers a number of features to help tourists find their way around or curious to find new places. You can post photos, answer questions, or post reviews. Google would be preparing to add a new possibility, that is, videos related to the sites.

Add Videos To Google Maps Now!

This new feature, also confirmed by Big G, would allow Local Guides (ie, users who help Google improve site management) to post videos to places. A video undoubtedly makes it better than a photo and such a solution would be convenient to a few.

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The feature in question is only being tested for some users but should be close to debut, as it has been discussed since last month. We do not know yet whether it will be a prerogative of Local Guides of a certain level or whether it will be open to all. So we do not have to wait until the test period ends to find out how Google will handle video editing.

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