WeChat Bows Down To Apple

Jun 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

According to latest rules from Apple, the tipping function of the WeChat app will now be considered an in-app purchase. This will let Apple enjoy 30% share of the tipping. WeChat might cancel the reward or tipping feature in the app for iOS users.


Apple in the developer site updated “App Store review guide” and said that if the developers want iOS software to provide the following functions (such as user subscriptions, in-game virtual currency, game level, access to high-end member content, or provide full functionality Version, etc.), the developer must use the software to buy.

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Apple continues to mention that iOS users can use digital currency for tipping. Related software may not use other buttons, external links or other means, so that consumers use Apple outside the payment channels. Prior to this, in the iOS side, Apple asked, no matter what kind of App purchase be it music, novels or video, it can only be purchased through the Apple App Store payment channel (that is, “App purchase”), but the provisions did not involve ” Play “. “Reward” is the product of China’s localization. The reward functio is used by people in China if theylike the author and his released content. They tip the users as a token of appreciation. In April this year, Tencent WeChat publicly said that Apple and WeChat have different undertsnading of the term tipping. After a long term communication and coordination with Apple, WeChat finally had to adjust the tipping function. Right now tipping is only allowed if you buy virtual coins from WeChat through Apple’s payment mechanism. Apple will take 30% of every purchase made.

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Although iOS has enforced these changes now, somewhat forcibly, the final results can be bad depending on the public’s reaction.

Also Read: Apple In Hot Waters In China Over Disapproval Of In-App Tipping

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