Update Released For MacOS Bug Results In Another Bug!

Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

A serious gap kept the MacOS world in suspense this week, even though in practice it has hardly caused any serious damage.But it mainly harmed the image of the Californian group, they meekly had to admit that it will revise the development processes.This is also urgently needed, as shown by the fix provided.

MacOS Bus

The MacOS vendor has had to apologize for the embarrassing security-related bug. It has also been said that this should not be repeated because it will “review the development processes”. And it should indeed do that: because the fix for the root access gap has resulted in another mishap.
Also Read: macOS Has An Embarrassing Bug

Because Apple has recently released an update that successfully closes this Mac OS High Sierra gap. Unfortunately, one bug is eliminated, but another is introduced. Because with the recent emergency fix the file release of MacOS was shot. On Twitter, there were numerous complaints.

A little later, Apple released a support document that describes how to solve the new problem, but you have to open the terminal app and enter commands manually. Because you have to enter “sudo / usr / libexec / configureLocalKDC” (without quotation marks) and confirm the entry via administrator password.

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According to various responses on Twitter (via The Guardian ), it is completely unacceptable for some users to have to enter manual commands via the terminal, “because of Apple’s incompetence”. Others were more pragmatic, arguing that closing a serious gap justifies a “manageable loss.”


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