Upcoming cars technology by 2020
In the technology world, the modern development is only as better as the next thing coming down the line. Automobile industry is bringing us continually fresh technologies. Some technologies are just for safety and others for entertainment, usefulness or just for innovation. We’ve found that some of these new technologies could not just transform the automobile industry but improve human transport as well.
So what’s in stock for upcoming cars? We don’t know anything for sure but we can say things about future technologies based on what’s presently being tried and what’s on the road.
Here are the 5 upcoming cars technologies, some of them will make our journey safe. Others will give us information like never before.
1. Autonomous vehicles
Many big organizations are now making driverless cars, Google and Mercedes-Benz are top of the list. Google announced its complete functional autonomous car on 23 December, 2014 which is now ready for testing on road. Latest prototype of this car has many features including headlights, brakes and steering. But we can’t take this prototype car anywhere. But by 2020, we’ll have the autonomous cars which are fully autonomous in some circumstances most likely in rural throughways.
2. Biometric vehicle access
Security is the main issue for automobile industry. They are trying to make their cars more secure as we’ve seen key to keyless entry and other security things like this. In upcoming cars, you will be able to unlock your car door and start through your fingerprints or retina scan. Excited? It sounds like mobile phone security, isn’t it? Yes it is the same concept.
3. Four cylinder supercar
Ford has just presented its new GT supercar. It may be rub the old performance related fans the erroneous way. By 2020 we shall see the primary full-fledged, 200 plus mph car with 4 cylinder engine. This will give us world beating performance to supercars.
4. Driver override system
This is same concept like autonomous technology. But slightly different because it ignores your commands and take its own decisions. We already have cars which stop movement if you fail to apply brakes. But in upcoming cars, sensor technology will be more efficient which will give car the final say not you 🙂
5. Comprehensive vehicle tracking
This is already in practice that insurance companies and government keep track that how many miles a person drives. This is limited service nowadays. But by 2020, companies and government will offer a low rate for comprehensive tracking of your vehicle. This will help a lot car owners to stay alert about anything with their expensive cars.
As we can see upcoming cars technology is really amazing. Autonomous technology will make your transport more safe, Biometric vehicle access will make your car more secure, four cylinder supercar technology will give you a fast horsepower speed, driver override system will protect you from dangerous accidents and finally through comprehensive tracking, you’ll be more comfortable about your car activities.
Technology makes our life more easy, secure and comfortable. But we shouldn’t rely completely on it.
As Lou Genstner said,
“We should be impressed by technology, but we shouldn’t be distracted by it or fooled into thinking that technology, unto itself, is the solution to anything.”
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