Tuberculosis commonly known as TB is a bacterial disease caused by inhaling Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria in through lungs. These bacteria’s usually attack lungs but can also attack other parts of the body like kidneys, spine, brain etc. Severe attack of TB can lead to ruinous death also.
According to WHO Statistics
“After HIV/Aids tuberculosis is the greatest reason of death worldwide and Pakistan rank among fifth highest Tb burden country.”
Lack of health education leads to growing rate of Tuberculosis in Pakistan. According to the survey conducted by Pakistan Health Association more than 26% of the TB victim are unaware of the disease. It is alarming that 10% of the total population lacks the basic knowledge of Tuberculosis. Poor knowledge of Tuberculosis is related to poor health –seeking behavior.
Tuberculosis -Contagious disease:
When a person diagnosed with Tb sings, speaks or laughs transmits bacteria through the air to another person.
A person usually shares air space (work environment, home, school etc) with the infected Tb patient and becomes a victim of it too. In this way, this disease is spread from person to person.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis
- Severe chest congestion that last for 3 or more weeks
- Blood in cough or sputum
- Weight Loss
- Loss of appetite
- Fever
- Weakness or fatigue
- Severe chest Pain
- Night sweat
There is a chance that TB can be misdiagnosed because the symptoms are same of many other ill condition which leads to delay in treatment thus increasing the risk of transmitting TB to others
Prevention Of Tuberculosis
This contagious disease can be controlled by adopting some precautionary measures. To circumvent TB
Early examination
Timely examination and proper diagnose of TB should be done to avoid worsening of TB and spread of the infection
Healthy Life Style
Leading a healthy lifestyle can also contribute to the prevention of TB. sufficient sleep and rest, healthy diet, avoidance of alcohol consumption, drugs and smoking
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination of a newborn baby can save the child from being a victim of contagious TB.
Usage of Protective Measures
Use face mask if you are working with the victim of TB. TB infected person should make appropriate use of handkerchief before coughing or sneezing to cease the spread of bacteria
World Tuberculosis Day:
World TB day falls on March 24, provides an opportunity to all NGOs and those who are working to eradicate TB to spread knowledge and awareness worldwide. Through different campaign awareness of this contagious disease is given to people. Different programs are done in the rural areas also to educate poor people of this disease and how to fight against
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