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Tough Luck: Blackberry KEYone Launch Was Going Well Until A Defect Was Found

Jun 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Although the BlackBerry has been out of the mobile phone market, it managed to come out with a good product – BlackBerry KeyOne. It has an excellent keyboard design and it is very attractive.

BlackBerry KeyOne

So, during the first two days of the Blackberry KeyOne North America launch, it quickly occupied the Amazon United States top sellers position. The phone was sold out at Best Buy. Unfortunately, a defect was discovered on the screen of KeyOne by many users. KeyOne’s edge-to-edge display doesn’t stick too well to the rest of the phone. It sometimes pops out. Fans are already venting out anger on various formers. Blackberry is nothing like what it used to be now. This flaw is outright disappointing for fans. All it takes is a minor fall for the screen to come out. Some users have said that their screens come off just like that, without any provocation. The screen is not properly secured to the device. There seems to be no adhesive.

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Apart from this not-so-minor flaw, KeyOne is a pretty good phone especially if you still have a thing for physical keyboards. Blackberry is has taken note of the problem. According to Blackberry, only a few devices have these defect. Blackberry further said that users can get the phone replaced as long as there is warranty. Blackberry is also that actively studying additional adhesive measures to ensure that this not happens in the future.


Are you a Blackberry Fan? Will you consider buying KeyOne? Share with us in the comments below!

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