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How to submit a website in bing webmaster?

Jan 3, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

How to submit a website in bing webmaster?

Yes, google has been your go to search engine since forever, but the recent increasing response bing is getting, its best to get your site submitted to Bing as well. If you are really looking forward to increasing the web traffic to your site, submitting your site to Bing is a great move as Bing has been getting hordes of users lately which can make any website owners dream come true. If you’ve submitted your site to Google previously, this might be really for you to follow through and if you’ve not and Bing is your first attempt, here’s a detailed guide on how to get the job done without breaking a sweat.
Steps to get your website indexed in Bing
So, Bing webmaster tool is free and won’t cost you a dime. This webmaster tool allows you to get a well analysed SEO report for your site.
⦁ Having a Microsoft Account
For getting your site indexed you would need to sign-up with Bing or have Microsoft account (previously known as Windows Live ID). This is actually a part of the process to get your site indexed, so once you have successfully signed up, you can begin with the next step.
⦁ Adding your site

So, once you are done with the signing-up process you can now just add your site’s URL to the “Add a Site” section in the Bing webmaster tool and hit “ADD”.
⦁ Providing sitemap link

The next big thing to do here is adding your details like ownership of the site, site related information as in sitemap link as well as details of the owner etc. for doing this you need a site map for your website, so in case you already have one, good for you and if you don’t, no worries, we got that covered too right here. You can either use the Google XML plugin for sitemaps or some other that you prefer to create the sitemap. Once you have this plugin you will come across the site info page, where you can add sitemap link. This step does involve a question, which is how often you’d like to be alerted via mail about the issues on your site with respect to local timing.

Depending on whether it is a business related site or something that you do in your past time you can set your preferences accordingly. You’d also need to fill out Contact Preferences and Index preferences and it is highly recommended that you opt for Crawl error, sitemaps, and malware and Index issues.

After you have successfully filled out all the details here, you can click “Save”. You will now be re-directed to the dashboard. Here you can now see a notification telling you that your website has not been verified, click on “Verify Now”. This will give you three different choices to opt for. There is the one with File Upload, CNAME record to DNS and lastly the easiest one adding the Meta Tag to the Header.
If you opt for Meta Tag Verification you can make use of the WordPress SEO tools made for this purpose and quickly add the meta tag content for verification.
At this point you are all done with the verification process and all you have to do is get the configuration part right.

Submitting extra sitemaps to Bing
All the sitemaps are excellently picked up by the bing bots without fail. By clicking on Dashboard followed by “Configure my site” and then clicking on “Sitemap” will allow you to add all the sitemaps you wish.
Submitting the URLs
It is best to submit individual URLs and Bing has a capacity that allows you to submit 10 URLs a day with a limitation of 50 URLs a month. The bing bots are highly efficient but it does take them quite some time to crawl through all the creeks and corners of an entirely new site.
Ignoring parameters for URL
The site pages can have certain parameters which you can easily get rid of. To get rid of a certain parameter just add it and go forward with asking bing to ignore this particular type of links.
Control the crawl
So depending on how busy your site is you can make certain of the fact that the bing bots take care of the business when your site has less traffic. It might be a difficult task if your site is busy with great traffic at all times but that is unlikely unless it is a highly popular site. So what you can do in this case to ensure that the bing bots will crawl on your site properly is choose your time of preference for them to get the job done. This is actually a special feature of Bing Webmaster Tools. It will allow you to choose when the bing bots will be able to crawl on your site better. With this feature by your side you can see the analytics and decide when your site is the least busy and you can easily choose that time for the bots to crawl through. Some sites have limited hosting bandwidth, these types of sites are prone to crash if there is way too much traffic and the bots trying to crawl through the site at the same time as well, hence it is better to set a timing that suits your site if you have limited hosting bandwidth as well.
Blocking the URLs of your content
It may happen so that there are some sections of your site that you do not wish the bing bots would crawl through. With the Bing Webmaster Tool you can now easily block that. Bing bots will crawl through the tags, the content and the categories, in case you wish for it not to do so in a few particular sections you can block the URL for that section. There is a “Block URL section” which allows you to do this. using this section you can easily stop indexing directories, categories and tags that you don’t wish for the bots to crawl through. The bing webmaster tool allows blocking for around 90 days at a go. You can block an URL successfully for 90 days and just before this validity expired you will receive a notification via email which will remind you of the situation and you can then decide whether to continue blocking the URL or not. You will receive a notification about 8 days prior to the end of validity of this blocking period.
Managing the site
With the bing webmaster tool you can not only index your site but also increase the traffic successfully if you play your cards right. This webmaster tool does allow you to grant access to other admins to manage your site or blog. There are three different types of mode- administrator access, read only and read only & modification. With these choices you can control the activities another member can have while managing the site through the bing webmaster tool.
This step by step process of getting your site indexed using the Bing webmaster tool and the tips and tricks with configuration and site management will help you achieve more visibility in bing searches and with the ever increasing number of bing users you will only scale up the ladder. By following these simple steps you can successfully index all the web pages, audio and video content of your site. Getting better visibility is highly dependent on how well the bots are being able to crawl you site from time to time. If you have a huge amount of content in your site it would take up quite some time to crawl through all of them but using the Bing webmaster tool and following through the above mentioned tricks you can easy manage your time and site as well.

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