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New Scam Targets People’s Computer To Mine Cryptocurrencies

Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Security service provider MalwareBytes warns of a new scam attempting to use internet users’ computers to mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.The backers try to hide a browser window on the desktop of Windows, through which the CPU is misused for mining purposes.


MalwareBytes discovered that the new method opens a small browser window that is reduced in size so that it can be hidden behind the Windows system tray. The window is placed there because it is no longer visible to the user at first sight and, above all, it is difficult to close. The button is finally hidden behind the system tray.

cryptocurrencies mining scam

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Since the user can no longer get to the button, you have to take the detour via the Task Manager in order to “shoot down” the entire browser process. If you interact a lot with your browser and rarely close it, you might not even notice anything about trying to mine.However, the heavier load on the CPU is of course suspicious.

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The creators probably thought so too, because they designed their code so that it does not overload the CPU when the window is open in the background. This will probably try to avoid excessive load on the respective computer, so that the user does not notice. The backers of the new browser mining method also try to escape existing pop-up blockers. Their small browser window can therefore open as a pop-under.

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Of course, the tried crypto-mining on the small browser window is especially noticeable when all other windows have been closed, but in the system tray is still seen that the browser is still running. According to the security experts, especially porn sites and other dodgy web sites try to use the new method to generate crypto currencies. Specifically, the phenomenon was observed in conjunction with Google Chrome on Windows 7 and Windows 10.


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