Samsung S8 Tinted Red Screen: A flaw or feature

Apr 18, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Another setback for the Samsung, the South Korean Mobile manufacturing giant organization. Just on the verge of the release of their flagship mobiles Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus, they are faced with another problem. It has been reported that Samsung S8 and S8 plus has a tinted red screen. The screen in some cases has a darker tint and that has been reported to disrupt the display. In fact Samsung S8 Tinted red screen has been the trending twitter trend as well as among the most searched keywords.

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Samsung S8 Tinted red screen

Samsung S8 Tinted Red Screen

At first it was announced the Galaxy S8 and S8 plus were coming out sans the much awaited AI based virtual assistant Bixby. After the Bixby feature, the infinity display was the biggest plus point in Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 plus. Although the red tint on the screens might not be that dark but it sure has placed a bigger tint in the publicity and repute of the otherwise highly awaited Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 plus.

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Samsung S8 tinted red screen is making headlines just a day before its official release. The mobiles have been shipped to customer in Samsung’s home country to South Korea. Here many users first thought it might be a new feature in the infinity display that is beautifully curved and has the smallest bezels than any other mobile yet. However once they started using it become clear the tint is a flaw that might have been the result of screen saturation. It was reported that the pre orders of the phone were estimated to be more than a million and the bigger stores are gearing up for a deluge of eager customer on the launch day with the waiting line starting a day before the release.

We really hope Samsung S8 red tints was just a minor flaw in some mobile sets and the rest are as beautiful and durable as promised.

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