Samsung Heir’s Gamble Can Land Him In Jail For 12 Years Instead Of 5

Dec 29, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

There is news in the process surrounding Samsung heir Jay Y. Lee, who is currently facing bribery charges.The responsible South Korean prosecutor’s office has now officially once again demanded a prison sentence of twelve years yesterday.

Samsung Heir

The case of Samsung Electronics’ former deputy chairman and corporate heir Jay Y. Lee had gone through the media: Lee is suspected of distributing bribes for years. Among other things, the state president Park Geun-Hye was involved in the scandal, which was relieved after the announcement of allegations of their office and since April is in court. The Samsung heritage is said to have tried, through close confidants of the former president, to take direct influence in politics. In return, high bribes have flowed.

As the news agency Reuters reports (via CNBC ), there is now a movement in the case again. Already in the summer, the prosecutor’s office had demanded a prison sentence of twelve years. But then a court closed a deal with Lee, which provided that the Samsung heir should go to jail for only five years. At first, it all looked like a more or less happy end to the corruption scandal for Lee, but now the wind is turning again.

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Against the verdict Jay Y. Lee has now appealed and has apparently gambled too high.The five years could now be twelve years again.The prosecutor does not want to get involved again in agreements and Lee does not meet again. For the appeal procedure, the original sentence was again demanded. He has been in jail since February.


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