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Samsung Email App Downloaded 100 Million Times

Dec 11, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Samsung has been releasing some of its own apps for some time through the Play Store, an example is the gallery app. This makes it easy to add new features since the update through the Android store is wider and faster.

Samsung Email App

Now while most of Samsung’s smartphones already come with the company’s email application pre-installed, the app in the Play Store has just surpassed 100 million downloads The Samsung email app was added to the Play Store in January this year and this shows that even though many people are considering a bloatware, there are still people who install it of their own free will.

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It is worth remembering that Samsung’s email application download is only available for compatible devices and that it supports POP3, IMAP and Exchange ActiveSync. Already another popular application of the South Korean giant is the browser that received some news in its last update.

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Samsung email app’s success may propel Samsung to make even more apps in the future.


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