You work so hard to create an authentic YouTube channel with original videos. For every subscribers you have spent days of hard work and for every like and comment you have sweated out. So it is so unfair that someone steals your videos and then upload them on their own channel and make money out of your strenuous labor. In this article we give details about how we can stop this abuse of personal property and how to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos.
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Copyright infringement on Youtube videos is a common practice. One main reason for it, is that there is just too much content on YouTube. According to Fortune lords YouTube statistics, there are 300 hours of video added to YouTube every minute. Every day 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube and approximately 1,300,000,000 people use YouTube actively. With such staggering stats it becomes a bit difficult to keep a check on all the content.
Why should we to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos?
To report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos is important so that the credit goes to where it is truly due. If people can watch videos from two places, it will decrease the likes and traffic to the original channel. As YouTube pays its partners based on views, subscribers and traffic on a channel so the person who has worked so hard to create great content will be deprived of his due compensation.
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So it is everyone’s duty to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos whenever they come across a copied video.
How to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos?
There are a couple of ways in which you can report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos, however take caution while reporting. If you are sending a fake report, your own account can be banned for life. So before you report make sure you are reporting the right video and it is genuinely copied from you.
Flag a video to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos
To flag a video is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. Open the video that needs to be flagged. At the bottom of the video there are three dots. Click on them and you can see a pop up menu. From the pop up menu, select the report option. Once you select the report option, the following check box list pops up. As you are reporting a copyright violation, select infringes my rights.
Once you have finished the process the following message pops up.
Your request has been sent to the YouTube officials. As you can read in their message, there are surveillance teams for flagged videos, that are continuously checking the videos. Once the video that you have flagged is found to be in violation of YouTube community rules, the account owners are penalized at first and the video is deleted. If the violation continues, the account will be banned permanently from YouTube.
However there is second more serious way in which the videos can be flagged and it should be invoked only in the case of ample seriousness. Make sure that before reporting someone else of theft, none of the videos in your channel are against the copyrights infringement law. Because both channels will come under scrutiny as a result of this complaint.
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File an official copyright violation complaint against the culprits
To lodge the complaint, first go to the YouTube copyright complaint official page which can be found here.
Fill out the form. Here is what the forms will look like.
But this is not all. There is some more information also that you need to complete before the complaint has been lodged to the authorities. Once the complaint is lodged, wait patiently for the results.
So these are the two main methods to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos. However in order to be clear what YouTube copyright infringement are here is a list from official YouTube page
- Given creditto the copyright owner
- Refrained from monetizingthe infringing video
- Noticed similar videosthat appear on YouTube
- Purchased the contenton iTunes, a CD, or DVD
- Recorded the content yourselffrom TV, a movie theater, or the radio
- Stated that “no copyright infringement is intended”
So if you want to add some copyright protected work in your channel video, first take permission from the owner. Once the owner has given you written permission, only then you can upload the work without the qualms about having it removed after sometime due to copyrights issue.
Also there is always the big question of which background music to use in your videos. Well there is an easy answer and that is the Audio Library provided by YouTube. In this big collection you can find music that will not land you in trouble in case you use it.
Applying for content ID t protect your work
A good way to protect your work from plagiarism, is to get a content ID for your original creations. So what is content ID? Well it is the license for the content that you are uploading on YouTube. In this way you can be assured that YouTube will be on a lookout for thieves who are also uploading your work. When they are two similar videos, the account with the content IDis identified as the owner and their rights are protected.
click here to know the details about content ID and how to get it.
So this is a short tutorial about how to report copyright infringement on YouTube Videos. It is our moral duty that if we see some video on YouTube tell the owner of the video that their video is being copied. And if it is your own work, then now you know which steps to take and how to protect your work.
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