Qualities of a Good Leader

Apr 13, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Leadership is within; it is not achieved by work but is inherited in genes. It can be polished but this quality comes naturally to an individual. People can learn to be leaders but the class/attitude that comes naturally cannot be compared. Many qualities and traits can be identified in a good leader. Some of the clear characteristics of a good leader which can be highlighted are:-


History is evident that good leaders have exemplary character and it is the foremost quality of a true leader. An honest, trustworthy character is an important trait of all leaders. To lead by example one needs to create the reason to be followed and for this trustworthiness plays the key role. A person not truthful cannot be lead.


A good leader is enthusiastic about his work and passionate to lead a mission until end. The fire, the spark is only evident in some people and these are the people who are born to lead. It is dependent on the leader how the followers follow and how keen they are with the achievement of the goal. It is natural to get down during the mission but good leader judges it and deals with it sensibly. The part to motivate and keep the fire burning for an ultimate cause is difficult and not everyone is capable to do so. Leaders are the inspiration so the army can follow with motivation and do not get lost in between the battle.


No leader can split a team; it treats every individual an important part of the army and fights the battle with all the warriors because a good leader knows the importance and ability of every individual that could contribute during the entire process. No talent should be wasted on the basis of discrimination and status. An important aspect of excellent leadership is the ability of the leader to groom it‘s followers for the better and do not hesitate to share experience as mandatory part of learning. Every follower that shines ultimately brings respect to the leader. All good leaders have this quality that they are not reluctant to teach.


A good leader is committed towards excellence. Maintains high standard and excels in every task, no second best can lead to success. Focused on adopting proactive approaches to problems rather than following reactive solutions and is focused to achieve best results along with his team. Better analytical skills along with a diversified vision to view and understand problem in divisions to come up with successful solutions.


A good leader does not panic in any situation. Totally focused and takes problems as part and parcel of life. Best judgment skills, true state of calmness and an unbeatable strategy to cope up with every situation are the amazing traits of a good leader.

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