Profitable Blogging Niches That Can Help You Earn A Lot In No Time

Sep 26, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Blogging is no longer just a hobby, it’s a serious business. Many people have left their 9-5 jobs as their blogs earn them more than their job. But is it really that easy to make money? If you are an aspiring blogger, you might think so but it is nit really true. The success of a blog depends largely on the traffic it gets but driving traffics is not that easy. You must adopt good on-page and off-page SEO practices ti get a lot of visitors. Sometimes, even this will not help. This is because a lot of niches have become saturated. However, there are still some profitable blogging niches that can help you earn money.

Profitable Blogging Nichesprofitable blogging niches

How To Select A Niche

If you are a newbie, you must be wondering what a niche is. Well, niche blogs are for niche markets. Niche marketing means targeting a particular set of customers. For instance, if you have a beauty blog, your target audience will probably be girls and young women. For more information about blogging niches, read the following blog posts:

How To Select a Niche For Blogging?

Domain Authority: Be A Leader In Your Niche

A lot of people select their hobby as a niche. This may or may not be a good idea. For instance, if a lot of people share the same hobby as you, your niche marketing is big. But if your hobby is not that popular, you can’t hope to drive a lot of visitors. Once you have selected a niche, you should strive to be a leader in that niche. Domain authority depends on 3 things: size, popularity, and age. If you manage to get domain authority, you can hope to drive a lot of traffic to your blog. To increase domain authority, you must post good content, have good SEO practices, inter link your posts, generate high quality links, and blog regularly. However, what if I tell you that some niches are so saturated that there is little hope of getting any profit from them. If you want to start a new blog, you should only consider profitable blogging niches.

Also Read: Blogging! Is it that simple to make money?

Profitable Blogging Nichesprofitable blogging niches

  1. Blogging Tutorials

This is the era of gig economy. People are no longer interested in 9-5 jobs. Blogging is a good profession. Since it seems comparatively simple, and there are so many success stories out there, a lot of people are aspiring to be bloggers. This means that they are going to need some help to set up their blog and monetize it. This is where you can step in. If you have some knowledge and experience of running a successful blog, you can start a blogging tutorial website. Blogging tutorials are one of the most profitable blogging niches around.

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2. How To Make Money Blogs

Online or offline, we all want to make some money. If you are already making good money, either by running a blog or writing e-books, perhaps you can show people how to make some bucks too. Integrity is very important here. Do not start a how to make money blog if you are broke yourself and have got no idea about making a cent. People can usually see through such things. Instead, take people through your journey. Show them what worked and what did not. This will give an authenticity to your blog and if people do end up making money by benefiting from your tips, you will get credibility.

Also Read: Blogging for Dummies – step by step guide to start a blog

3. Personal Finance

This one is another good idea. You can tell people how to manage money and how to save money. You can also show them where to invest money and earn a lot. This is kind of like how to make money blog, but it is a step further. Not only are you telling people how to generate income, you are telling them how to manage their personal finance and make investments to earn even more. Most blog under this category earn with affiliate links.

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4. DIY and Crafts

If you are into DIY and crafts, you can start a blog on it. These kind of things are a hit on Pinterest. Now, Pinterest is free and you can get a lot of traffic from Pinterest. Consider investing in a good camera if you are thinking about starting this kind of a blog,, as pictures matter a lot on Pinterest.If you are a newbie, and lack the finances to invest in a new camera, just learn to use a good editing software. Pictures count more than words in DIY and crafts projects.

Also Read: Getting High Quality Backlinks To Your Blog

5. Health And Fitness

People are becoming more conscious about health and fitness. The clean eating bars springing up all over the world are a proof of this. Another proof is the fitness gadgets big companies are coming out with. A good idea is affiliate marketing. This is because people searching for health and fitness solutions are usually looking for products that can help them with their problems.

Also Read: Quora- An Untapped Platform To Get A Lot Of Traffic To Your Blog

6. Politics

So many people are getting interested in politics now. This might be because news is more ubiquitous now and somehow the breaking news always end up on your news feed. People are generally more aware now. This awareness has made them opinionated. This is something you can benefit from. Start a politics site. Blog about your views on every day affairs. Politics has the potential to be one of the profitable blogging niches, if you approach the topic correctly.

Also Read: Bring Your Blog Back To Life With These Easy Tips

7. Food

Either you can start a recipes site or you can start a site that tells people how to start a food site. Either way, people are always looking for food. As more and more people are leading independent lives, the availability of all ready prepared food is not a reality any more. It is a good idea to start a site that focuses on simple remedies. Another great idea to focus on different kind of foods, like Afghani or Mexican. Perhaps you can start blogging about food you grew up eating and food that reflects your culture.

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8. Personal Development

Personal development and self help are not just popular categories at book stores. People are always looking for ways to improve themselves. You can coach others about achieving their dreams or over coming their short comings. This is a very big niche and with a little hard work, it can get you a lot of traffic. This one is one of the most profitable blogging niches out there.

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9. Lifestyle

This one is also a popular blogging niche. It includes a lot of things like gardening, travelling, survival, homesteading, and decor. Just like the crafts blog, you need some good photography skills if you want to make it big in this category.

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10. Entrepreneurship

Upcoming businessmen do a thorough research before investing their money in a business. You can start a blog that has new business ideas or ideas that can help entrepreneurs. Your ideas can provide a fresh perspective to people. This way you will make money with your ideas without actually starting a business.

Also Read:What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization?

11. Product Reviews

Product review websites are one of the most profitable blogging niches. This is because people searching for reviews are already in the mood to buy something. You can link them up with websites that are selling those products and earn a commission. You will earn money by sending leads to websites. This is why you see so many coupons websites. They are not just providing you reviews, they are actually earning money through you. Join an affiliate program if you run a product reviews blog, and you can earn a lot!

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12. Beauty And Fashion

Beauty and fashion is another profitable blogging niche. The good thing about beauty and fashion is that everyone has a different take on it. If you manage to convey your idea of beauty and style on the blog, and it gets popular, you can earn a lot of money. IT kind of work like a product review blog. If you manage to gain an authority, companies might even request you to review their product. This is a big feat for any blogger. Although this market might seem a bit saturated, the idea is to bring something new to the table. You should also stay updated on the latest beauty and fashion trends if you want to make it big in this niche.


It is  important to remember that anything created with the sole purpose of generating money might not be that successful. Sure, you want to make some money, but your audience doesn’t care. You audience want answers they are looking for. Strive to create valuable content. Try to really answer what your customers are looking for. Refrain from copying. Be original. A good business ethics will help you create a successful blog. But do remember that it takes months or even years for a blog to be successful. Most successful blogs had to face several setbacks and failures before they started earning.

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Which are some of the profitable blogging niches according to you? Let us know in the comments below!

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