OWC Is The First To Announce iMac Pro-Teardown

Dec 30, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

If you buy a fully equipped iMac Pro at Apple, it is already fast with the best 10-core model at a price of over 15,000 euros.RAM and storage space should soon be cheaper – from a first unofficial outfitter.


Apple’s new all-in-one PC, the iMac Pro, has been on the market for a few days and has only been available in variants with the Intel 8 or 10-core Xeon W processor. 14 and 18 Kerner should follow. You can also choose from 32, 64 or 128 GB of RAM at a modest price of 960 euros for 64 GB or 2,880 euros for 128 GB. In addition there is a 2 TB SSD for Apple for 960 euros or a 4 TB SSD for 3,360 euros. The prices are high, but almost inevitable if you do not want to have your iMac Pro in the standard configuration with “only” 32 GB RAM and 1 TB SSD. According to Apple leads to the order in the online store also no way around, an upgrade option is not provided.

At least in theory. Because the accessory and equipment specialist Other World Computing (OWC short) from Woodstock, Illinois has already made the new iMac Pro thoroughly. After a brief teardown on the Super Mac , OWC has announced that it will also be offering upgrade kits for the new iMac Pro. It should be the well-known OWC DIY kits for memory. The OWC memory, which can also be used with the “normal” iMac, are therefore compatible.Prices and start date are not yet known.

Also Read: iMac Pro Will Have The A10 Processor
Problematic for the DIY kits, however, is the fact that Apple does not offer simple plug-ins on the iMac Pro for memory upgrades, as it has sometimes been the case with some iMac models over the years. The thus necessary opening of the computer (removing the display glass) can lead to a loss of warranty and should, according to OWC, only be carried out by specialists.


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