Jul 7, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


In short all SEO techniques or practices preformed outside the admin area of your blog are considered as an OFF-PAGE SEO practice. Without a proper OFF-PAGE SEO plan you will be loosing lot of potential traffic. Off-page SEO is mainly focused to increase your backlinks.ย In other words off-page SEO techniques are mainly link building techniques. These techniques helps you get more and quality backlinks to your site to increase your site ranking. Backlinks helps you increase credibility of your website. Since Google’s main objective is to provide quality information and their reason for getting popular in less then two decade is their algorithms that ranks websites therefore. There are many things that their algorithms look for, but the most important is backlinks hence,ย no method other then link building is practiced. So in short Off-Page SEO = Backlinks

For better ranking in google, you need to preform both, a good on-page SEO practice as well as an excellent off-page SEO practice.

Read about “ On-Page SEO Practice that will increase your search engine ranking

When we talking about backlinks in Off-Page SEO, Link Building comes in to our mind and we are confused if it is spamming or not. Let me make it clear, link building is not spamming if correct practice is done.ย Even though Google has stopped their Page Rank update, but they have not completely omitted it from their algorithms. Without backlinks there is no SEO. However, social engagement are also considered these days, but still link building and backlinks are evergreen.

There are two types of Off-Page SEO

  1. Black ย Hat Off-Page SEO
  2. White Hat Off-Page SEO

Black Hat SEO

In short Black Hat SEO are all those practice that google dislikes and are morally and ethically wrong. So if you do not want your Googly daddy to be angry, stay away from all Black Hat SEO practice. Whenever you try and take SEO services specially for your Off-Page SEO or buy gigs from Fiverย for your Off-Page SEO, make sure they are all White Hat SEO.

How can you identify Black Hat SEO?

Its simple, you can not rank on first day in a week from doing Off-Page SEO. Remember backlinks are expensive, a good quality backlink from a PR 6 or PR 8 site is around $200, so how can you get 1000+ backlinks in $5? secondly submitting it to 10000+ directories and etc, remember these Off-
Page SEO services require tools and they use article spinning to create content and rank your keyword. Remember fake links will identified by Google, its a multi billionaire company. Do not try to fool them. Even if you are successful using these Off-Page SEO and Black Hat SEO techniques, you won’t be there for long. As soon as there is a next update on air, bahmmmmm!!!!! your site is back to ground, in fact worse then it, buried in ground. So if you are trying Off-Page SEO for your website to rank it higher, make sure you are spending time money and effort to rank it forever, not to splash it to ground.

White Hat SEO

There is nothing technically as White Hat SEO for your Off-Page SEO practice. All good practices that are ethically and morally right are considered as White Hat SEO practice. White Hat SEO practice may be a slow process inย Off-Page SEO, but believe me its the only practice that will help you increase your site ranking forever.

Important OFF-PAGE Link Building Techniques of 2015

Be advised, use the following Off-Page SEO with caution, make sure you do not submit your site in a low PR or site banned by Google, you can search for the website on Google if you have any doubts. If the site is indexed by Google then you are good to go. Again Off-Page SEO practice can dramatically boost up your ranking as well as smash it to the ground, so handle with care. Avoid Black Hat and tools to improve your ranking.

  • Search Engine Submissions.
  • High Authority Directory Submissions.
  • High Authority Social Bookmarking.
  • High Authority Article Submissions.
  • High Authority Presentations submissions like scribd, slideshare etc.<img src=โ€โ€ alt=โ€Off-Page SEO - ON-PAGE SEOโ€>
  • Dmoz Submission ( a must off-page SEO )
  • Guest Posting
  • Submit Infographics.
  • Web 2.0
  • PDF Submissions.
  • Image submission (flickr, tumblr, pinterest, etc).
  • Video creation, submission (youtube).
  • Local listing
  • Forum Signatures
  • Blog Commenting

There are some ways that will ease you in WordPress. There are many plugins that will auto post your article on many of your social media profile as soon as it is published. Apart from plugins there are websites like IFTTT can connect your website with many social platforms. So when ever your article is posted, it will be automatically posted on all your social media accounts.

Read and watch video on How to connect all of your social media profiles with your Blog

As soon as you have published a blog or you have already published few, copy its URL along with some attractive sentence about the article and start posting on all your social media profiles. After you are done with posting it on your official account, post in few forums and groups on all social media platform. I have shared a list of 39 popular social media platform that you can use, if you are not using all, at least go for the popular 10 social media sites. Try spending time and build some friends, people of the same interest as your website theme is, join groups related to your site theme and participate in them, share your articles there to get more traffic.

In directory submission or any other submission make sure that site is trusted site. One easy way to find out is, type that site in Google and see if Google indexed it. Avoid any low quality bookmark submission as it may spoil your site ranking.

Following is an excel fileย that contain a list of 50 Search Engine Submission and 300 Directory Submission.

List – 50 Search Engine Submission and 300 Directory Submission

Following is an excel file that contain a list of 600+ Free Directories, 150+ High PR directories and a list of directories that are extremely low in ranking. All together its a list of 1000+ directories.

1000+ Directory Submission list

List of 39ย Social Media Sites that you must create you account and share your articles. Creating account is not every thing, you need to be active and engage in conversation to make sure people read your articles. Also a verified list of high Page Rank CommentLuv enabled dofollowย blogs ofย 2015 – By Bloger Tips Tricks.

Sr. No. Social Media Sites CommentLuv Enabled Dofollow Sites
1 BEHANCE Adeelsami
2 BLOGGER Adrienne Smith
3 DELICUIOUS Alltechtrix
4 DIGG Awesomebloggers
5 DRIBBBLE Beamoneyblogger
6 EVERNOTE Benspark
7 FACEBOOK Blogbeatz
8 FEEDBURNER Blogelina
9 FLICKER Blogengage
10 FORRST Bloggertipstricks
11 GOOGLE PLUS Bloggingfromparadise
12 GROOVESHARK Bloggingpanorama
13 INSTAGRAM Bloggingtechniques
14 LINKEDIN Bloggingtipsntrickz
15 LINKEDIN Bloggitips
16 MAIL Blondish
17 MARKUP Diaryinc
18 MYSPACE Digital.hothungama
19 PATH Digitalgyd
20 PICASA Donnamerrilltribe
21 PINTEREST Enstinemuki
22 POSTEROUS Epreneur
23 QOURA Ewebtip
24 REDDIT Famousbloggers
25 RSS Geniouspc
26 RSS FEED Ggobloggingtips
27 SHARE Gobizen
28 SNIPPET Growmap
29 SPOTIFY Inmarketingtips
31 STEAM Jeffsollee
33 TUMBLR keepupwiththeweb
34 TWITTER kikolani
35 VIMO Kimgarst
36 VINE Money gossips
37 VKONTAKE Moneyahoy
38 YOUTUBE Myblogginghints
39 Mybloggingjourney
40 Mymagicfundas
41 Nigcworld
42 Nosegraze
43 Online decoded
44 Organizingmoms
45 Padbin
46 Passiveblogtips
47 Profitonknowledge
48 Promotivator
49 Pvariel
50 Rebootauthentic
51 Reelmama
52 Simplyilka
53 Smartmarketerz
54 Socialmediarush
55 Spellboundwords
56 Successfulblogging
57 Sylvianenuccio
58 Techlila
59 Techmilkyway
60 Techtricksworld
61 Techyshacky
62 Techywood
63 Tekalook
64 Tekkaus
65 Thebadblogger
66 Toptenrange
67 Universalbloggingtips
68 Vanitynoapologies
69 Viralblogtips
70 Viralwriter
71 Wassupblog
72 Worthblogger
73 Worthofblog
74 WPseotricks

Do give me your valuable feedback on this article and your opinion on this topic. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also share lists if you have for dofollow high PR sites.

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