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Nokia Sold 1.5 Million Android Phones In The First Half Of 2017

Oct 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The statistical agency IDC recently released a number of new data on smartphones. Sales of Nokia was also the focus of this report. From the data point of view, Nokia sold 1.5 million Android smartphones in the first half of this year.

Nokia Android

IDC said that the 1.5 million Nokia Android smartphones were sold in the first half of 2017. Nokia 3, Nokia 5, Nokia 6, and Nokia 8 were really popular.  In early September, HMD chief marketing officer Pekka Rantala said in an interview, HMD has sold millions of Nokia Android phones. Nokia has just released Nokia 8 at the end of August, and they have launched in the short term Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 and other three phones.

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Pekka Rantala also mentioned that such a result greatly inspired the company’s motivation. At present, Nokia has more than 10 million units, and users for their new products are holding a supportive attitude. The Nokia Android mobile phone system software updates have also satisfied users. The Nokia Mobile Support app, available on Google Play, has been downloaded between 1 and 5 million times.


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