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Are Mobile Phones More Dangerous Than Cocaine?

Nov 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It should not come as a surprise that smartphones create addiction, but in the past nobody compared them to cocaine.  It is very likely that you can not help keeping the phone out of your hand for much of the day.The problem is even worse for the little ones. Children and adolescents have less resistance to vices and are more vulnerable when it comes to smartphone addiction. The effects of mobile telephony dependence have been confirmed by a UK addiction expert in an education conference held some time ago. Among others, Mandy Saligari is a therapist at Harley Street Detox Clinic in London.

Mobile Phones Are Addictive Like Cociane

According to Saligari, applications such as Instagram or Snapchat create as much addiction for kids as drugs and alcohol. She always tell people when you give her a tablet or a baby phone, you actually give her a bottle of wine or a gram of cocaine. Very serious statements have been confirmed by several mental health experts at the Highgate Junior School in London.

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In order to strengthen her opinion, Mandy Saligari came up with some frightening arguments from her therapist experience. She mentioned that several young girls who came to her for treatment considered it normal to send intimate to another person. A problem only occurs when a teacher or a parent finds out about the event. Intimacy or safety concepts are not taken into account by young smartphone users.

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Why do we devote so little attention to these things than to devour drugs and alcohol when it works on the same nerve impulses? In the end, Saligari’s conclusion is that parents are making too few gestures to ponder the addiction of children, and this only makes them worse with the passage of years.


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