Mainstream Support For Windows 8 and 8.1 To End Today

Jan 10, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

This does not apply to many users, but users with Windows 8.x systems still have to be prepared today for the so-called mainstream support to end.This step is not too dramatic because the security is still guaranteed, patches are still available until 10 January 2023.

Windows 8

According to recent figures from NetMarketShare’s market researchers, Windows 8.x currently stands at just under seven percent, more specifically Windows 8.1 comes to 5.71 percent worldwide, the original Windows 8 contributes 1.19 percent. Thus, Windows 8.x is indeed in third place under the operating systems, but far behind. For Windows 10 came in December 2017 to 32.93 percent, Windows 7 even 43.08 percent. 

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The relatively small market share of the operating system, which was officially released in October 2012, is mainly due to the fact that most users of Windows 8.x are more than willing to switch to Windows 10. The current Microsoft operating system is considered by many to be the OS version they would have liked Windows 8.

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There will probably not be many who expect many new features in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 or have expected in the past few months.As of now, however, they are not officially available either, which brings the end of mainstream support with them. But you do not have to worry about security, because Extended Support will run until the beginning of 2023, so security and other errors will be addressed for the next five years.

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However, users of Windows 8.1 should switch to Windows 10 sooner rather than later, because, in terms of security and features, the current operating system is far ahead.


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