CompuServe Is Shutting Down
Few will still actively remember the time before they could comfortably click through web pages. At that time, the CompuServe forums were an important starting point for many. Everything was discussed in them – from computer problems to the latest movie. In the topics quite a lot of people cavorted for the time – after all, CompuServe was then one of the few providers that really addressed simple home users.
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CompuServe was already acquired in 1998 by AOL, its quasi-successor in the distribution of Internet access. Under the new mother, the provider, including many of its services remained active, even if only as a shadow of its own. Because the time in which the users in addition to the pure Internet access also used the associated portals and services of a provider on a large scale, was noticeably coming to an end. And eight years ago, AOL stopped selling Internet access via the name CompuServe, Fast Company reported.
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What remained was the forum community.This was last continued by Oath, a subsidiary of the US telecommunications company Verizon, in which the remaining parts of AOL finally landed. But now the time of this ancient online community is coming to an end.
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The operator announced that the CompuServe forums will be completely shut down in a few weeks. On December 15, the last remaining parts should go offline. The complaints about it should remain within manageable limits. Even in the most active areas of the community, it has rarely been the case that there has been more than one new contribution each day.