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Kaspersky Use Banned By Authorities In America

Dec 13, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

In recent months, there have been numerous allegations against the Russian anti-virus maker Kaspersky, according to which this more or less actively helps the Russian government to spy on US authorities.Kaspersky still denies these allegations categorically and speaks of “witch hunt”.The software was banned in the US for authorities.


After months of controversy, spy allegations and blame and denials, the US government has now banned the use of Kaspersky software. US President Donald Trump has signed a law called Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Part of this is the exclusion of all Kaspersky products on computers and in federal government networks.

Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen, one of the main advocates of the law, said (via TechCrunch): “Given the serious risk that Kaspersky poses for our national security, it is necessary that the current directive remove the software from government computers, expanded and legally consolidated. “

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There are no doubts about the allegations against the security company, Shaheen says: “The case against Kaspersky is well documented and deeply worrying, and the law is long overdue.” The law prohibits any use of Kaspersky software in government agencies, organizations or other elements of government, directly or indirectly. This also applies to all companies and products associated with Kaspersky, including companies in which Kaspersky Lab has a majority stake.

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The authorities have until October 2018 time to ban Kaspersky from the computers and systems. The Russian company has already expected this step, last week it was announced that it would close its office in Washington DC.


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