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Jony Ive Returns To Apple

Dec 10, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Sir Jonathan Ive (known as Jony Ive) will resume his post as chief designer at Apple.The native Briton had left the post over two years ago in favor of other duties – but it was only a temporary change.

Jony Ive

The change is already visible on the Apple website. Jony Ive will be reintroduced as Chief Design Officer there. In the last two years, Alan Dye and Richard Howarth shared this post.Both were taken in 2015 surprisingly in the leadership team of the iPhone group. Ive should retire from the day-to-day business instead of being a managing chief designer and take on other responsibilities, such as designing the new Apple Park corporate office and the new Apple Store concept.

Now, Ive returns to his old post – but basically, his tasks have been extended. The “post-merry-go-round” had first noticed the intelligence service Bloomberg and reported on Ive’s return to the leadership team.On demand from Bloomberg, an Apple spokeswoman confirmed the news and also told about the background to the renewed change at the top of the group. Jony Ive has been with Apple since 1992 and have been part of the design team developing the Newton.

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With the completion of Apple Park, Apple’s design directors and teams are reporting directly back to Jony Ive, who continues to focus exclusively on design,” said Amy Bessette, a company spokeswoman, in a brief statement on Friday. What now becomes ofDye and Howarth is unknown. Both managers had also run under the radar of the media in recent months.


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