Jack Ma the founder and CEO of the Alibaba franchise, the world leader in the field of e-commerce yesterday gave us his thoughts about the future of technology. Unlike his previous statement that was a bit bleak stating that in the coming years AI will take over the jobs of CEOS, this time he is cheery and optimistic.
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Jack Ma is of the view that advancement in technology always brings lots of opportunities to the people. He was addressing the manufacturing sector. He said that the manufacturing sector can benefit from the advancement in technology. The people related to the manufacturing sector must take help from the latest technology developments. According to Jack Ma the next ten years are crucial for the development sector.
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There are going to be some major breakthroughs in the field of IT and technology. The manufacturing industries can best make use of these developments and use them for their benefit. According to him, the next leader in the field of manufacturing will be the ones who are making use of the technological advancements. Those who would fail to do so, would not be among the leaders. He gave this speech to urge people to take part in the upcoming Zhejiang (Guangdong 2017) Summit.
Jack Ma the self-made millionaire, is widely loved and respected for his humble nature and candid but insightful talks. People love his motivational quotes and speeches because he is the living proof of what he says. There is no discrepancy in what he says and what he practices.
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