iPhone X fails to revive groundbreaking sales streak for Apple – Wall Street claims

Feb 2, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Wall Street journal claims that iPhone X fails to revive the sales as was expected from the new milestone phone. The figures for the last quarter of 2017 do not look promising and even the year 2018 failed to see any sales. The end of the year holiday season is a great period for sales as everyone is happy and in the holiday spirit and readier to spend than and readier to spend than any other time of the year but iPhone X fails to be the hot holiday phone that everyone buys as present.

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iPhone X fails to deliver expected sales

According to Wall Street day newspaper, Apple has ordered 20 million iPhone for the first quarter of 2018. That is an estimated 50% decrease as compared to last season. The suppliers have also been asked to reduce 60 % of the parts supply. The rumor mongers have already started speculating that may be Apple Inc. might be thinking of cutting off the production of iPhone X line and start a new mobile phone franchise. Although that is most unlikely, but definitely they should look into making some serious big changes before the launch of the next phone. Otherwise if the current trend continues, it will be very difficult to keep on producing high sales as some of the earlier iPhones have been producing.

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High price is the main deterrent in the sales as being claimed by experts. Lets see of the next iPhone has a lesser price tag. Till then Apple Inc can wonder why there is a drop in the sales.

Are you into buying an iPhone X or you prefer a cheaper phone. Let us know by commenting below.


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