iOS users use more apps than the Android Users

May 5, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

App Annie is slowly becoming a standard in App Analytics and App Data and statistics. If you want to know about the latest apps and top apps, you can use the reports from app Annie. So according to one of the latest reports by App Annie Android users are using slightly less number of Apps then the iOS users. According to the report the android users user per average 9 apps per day, while the iOS users would be using 10 apps on average per day. These are of course the non-native apps (non-native apps are those that are not available with the phone and need to be downloaded from the app stores.)

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However the android users are using 30 percent more game apps than the iOS users. This is something to take note of as most of the new and much awaited games are released on iOS first. Also there are a number of popular game on iOS that do not have Android version available as yet. But as the number of game users are more on Android devices, so game apps can do much better on android platform than the iOS platform.

However there has been an overall increase in the number of App users. A couple of years ago a chart by Neilsen Showed that the average number of apps that the users were using was 5 per day. But as expected the amount almost doubled in a couple of years. This amount is expected to increase at a bigger rate now. With the advancement in technology more and more apps are generated everyday. Because more apps are coming it means there will be a bigger competition and the app will be of better and greater quality. Apart from that there are more chances of an app becoming viral when there is a greater number of apps. As more and more apps are developed that help us in our day to day life there is sure to be an increase in number of app users in the coming years.

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Here is a graph showing the average number of apps being used per day country wise. Brazil is the number one country here followed by China and India.


Here are some other graphs that show the usage of apps per person and the amount of time spent using the apps.

On average a person spends 2 to 3 hours on the different apps everyday. Most popular are the social media apps and people like to keep in touch which their friends and loved ones through the social media and voice calling apps.

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Here is another insightful analysis with App Annie that shows monthly avarage number of apps used and installed smartphone users.


How many apps do you use on average per day and what is the amount of time in a day that you spend on developing apps. Let us know by commenting below.


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