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The Importance Of Having Email Subscribers

Oct 5, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Email subscribers are people who subscribe to your blog via their email address. You can send daily blog updates to them, straight to their inbox. In the age of social media marketing, email subscribers might not sound too important. But, hear us out, email subscribers can bring a massive amount of traffic to your blog. Moreover, you can communicate with people via your mailing list.

The Importance of Email Subscribers

High Conversion Rate

Not only do email subscribers have a high conversion rate, you can monetize your mailing list as it builds up. You can continually send offers to your customers. Take an example of e-commerce websites like Amazon. They make you buy more products by regularly sending new offers. Even if you are not selling a product, you can use your mailing list to keep in touch with your subscribers. For instance, every time there is a new post on your blog, just notify your subscribers via an email. This will increase your traffic. Email marketing has helped some companies generate as much as 80-90% of their landing page traffic when they launch a new campaign or product feature. Email lets you engage your audience in a personalized way. Blog posts and tweets do not have this power.

Turning Audience into Customers

It is a good idea to focus on your email list even before the launch of your product. Via emails, you can let your potential customers know that you understand their problem(s) and you have the solution(s). Make sure you get the wording right to make sure your email hits the right spot every time. Your emails should sound personalized.  Another importance of email subscribers is that you would know who your audience is. You will know where to reach them. Your audience is your asset. If a site visitor gives you his email address, it is the first step of building a relationship. Hopefully, you can turn subscribers into customers one day. To make your customer happy, you must first include them in the audience. A lot of people check their inbox first thing in the morning. If they regularly get your email, chances are one day they might even visit a link. Think about it, haven’t you ever visited a website because of their email to you? Make sure you write compelling subject lines so that people open your email. Do not write robotic, boring emails. Make the most of your email subscribers. Unappealing emails can make your subscribers unsubscribe. You obviously do not want that. If you are in the business of selling products, inform your customers about new product launches. Give them behind the scene scoops. Tell them about your other customers and how they benefitted from your product. You can even request testimonials from customers. Most people who have only now realized the importance of email subscribers which they had done this sooner. Do not be one of those people.

More Traffic Without Restrictions

Another importance of email subscribers is that you can build a stronger relation with your customers. Email is not like a status update. An email is far more important than the various updates on social media websites. Emails do not disappear in the sea of thousand other emails like updates. An email stays till you have read it. Moreover, an email can be read again and again. Emails are also searchable, unlike updates. Emails can be turned into sales better than other media. The more email subscribers you have, the more target audience you are reaching. Successful marketers have noticed an increase in their sales whenever they write a relevant email. Moreover, you are the ruler of your list. Google, Facebook, etc do not dictate the rules. Social media services like Facebook can decrease your reach to make you pay for their ads. With email subscribers, you do not have this restriction. Google is always changing its algorithm. You can sometimes be penalized without even knowing what you did wrong.  In times like these, you realize the importance of email subscribers. Your list is a sort of protection for you. Even if your search ranking goes down tomorrow, you can still market your blog to your email subscribers. Email subscribers are also great for promotion. The level of engagement on a mailing list is higher than it is on Twitter or Facebook. If a person is giving you his email address, he wants to engage with your content/product/service. You just have to seize that opportunity and make the best of it. If you are able to get a loyal following in the form of email subscribers, you can even request them to promote your blog/product/service for you.

Wider Reach

An average page can reach 1-2% of their Facebook Fans. Similarly, only a small number of Twitter followers can see your tweet, because not everyone is online when you Tweet. Although email is not perfect, it is a tad bit better. Around 22% of the emails end up in the junk folder. But that means 78% of the emails sent are delivered. The lifespan of your emails depends on the recipient of your email. Your email will be shown as unread till its read. Comparatively, the lifespan of Twitter/Facebook updates is just a few minutes.

Most people are learning to be a pro at social media marketing these days. While it is a good idea, you should not forget the importance of email subscribers. A mail list is your best bet against changing search engine algorithms. Moreover, a mailing list is a great way to build a stronger relation with your subscribers. So, stop neglecting this marketing medium, and work on increasing your list from today!


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