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How to convince your parents to allow you choosing your passion

Mar 29, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The world is moving so fast that if we stop we will be crushed or squeezed like a fruit in a juice maker. In order to walk parallel with the world one needs to differentiate between what he wants to be and what he is compelled to be whenever it is about compulsions, the young generation is forced by every means to keep their dreams and passions aside and work that can give their parents, family and relatives something to brag about.

The main situation that our young generation has to combat is the dream of their parents. Most respectfully let me say it that we need to accomplish something that can go beyond parents’ imaginations and dreams which can compel and force them to rethink that their dreams are not to be imposed on children but in spite of that children must be left to concentrate on their passion and ambitions which can lead them towards a prosperous life mentally and financially.

Now a point comes when the youngsters feel hopeless and helpless when they find no way to get rid of their parents dream and they start considering it as their DREAM forgetting about their inner capabilities. I have seen many doctors engineers who never wanted to be in medical or engineering colleges but their parents wanted them to be a doctor or engineer for family reputation and of course for a good and established groom. Such youngsters themselves wanted to be something that could give them inner relief and happiness like being an artist, being a public speaker, being a social activist instead of becoming something their parents wished of and tried to be in their student life.

Here is something that can surely guide young generation to convince their parents to let them live the dreamsof their very own.

1) Getting complete information<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/getting-complete-information-How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion.jpg" alt="getting complete information - How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion">

 Firstly you need to be very clear what you want to become and you must have proper knowledge and information about the program u want to apply for.

2) Finding advantages of your passion

<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/finding-advantages-How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion.jpg" alt="finding advantages - How to convince your parents to allow you choosing your passion">After having complete information regarding your desired passion, go for collecting some extra and remarkable qualities and advantages which passion can give you throughout your life

3) Collecting proofs to support your argument

N<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/collecting-prove-How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion.jpg" alt="collecting prove How to convince your parents to allow you choosing your passion">ow make your mind how you would present it to somebody to prove that this passion worth you. For example if you want to be an artist, start drawing and painting things that u can expose and show to the parents to acknowledge your abilities. Likewise if you can capture sceneries in a different way, start collecting your snap drafts in order to make them the proof of your talent.

4) Proving yourself<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/proof-2-How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion.jpg" alt="proof  2 How to convince your parents to allow you choosing your passion">

Go to participate in different competitions to expose your talent and try to win them with the qualities that make you distinguishable, show those awards to ur parents and start brainstorming that it’s the thing you actually WANT TO PROCEED WITH in future.

5) Brainstorm your parents

Keep making them realize politely and logically that y<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/brain-stroming-How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion.jpg" alt="brain stroming - How to convince your parents to allow you choosing your passion">ou can’t try for something you are not meant for. You are meant to live for the sake of something that can bring u glory more than the desired thoughts of your parents. You really need to make ur self-determined that ur and only your passion can lead you towards highest destination with complete satisfaction and torture less journey.

<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/take-charge-of-your-life-How-to-convince-your-parents-to-allow-you-choosing-your-passion.png" alt="take charge of your life How to convince your parents to allow you choosing your passion">

And lastly I believe parents are the worthy creature of God. They will surely regard your passion-filled requests and logical statements which you will use with the smattering of showing off your inner talent. So it’s the high time to chase for YOUR dreams, not others.

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