With the rapid influx of smartphones of diverse dimensions most of the smart phones are dazzled by flashy ads of newer models, without realizing that the current phone they might have might be more better than the one they wish to acquire. There are certain fixed standards to compare while changing a mobile. Moreover there are many tricks to optimize the performance of our smart-phones.
The secret lies in optimizing the performance of our smartphones to suit our needs accordingly.
Power management:
This is one the primary issues that frustrates smartphone users.
There is a simple way to cut on extreme power consumption of your smartphone by installing a battery saver application from the application market on your phone. Take caution in using a battery saver that suits your smart phone’s needs.Most of these battery saving apps come with quite a good user interface that provides with user-friendly options regarding different environments regarding phone usage. Easy Battery Saver by 2easydroid.com is among the few good apps that actually work.
Low Memory :
This error message also often pesters the average smartphone users reminding them again and again of low memory. This error message often disrupts an ongoing process, and sometimes even results in data loss.The easiest way to prevent this is to uninstall unnecessary apps or disable them from settings this cuts some slack to your smart phone’s ram.Abstain from installing non-vital application updates. Lastly, make use of file managers to move miscellaneous app data to your SD card.
File commander is one such app for smartphones that don’t have this feature factory installed. Apps to SD is another such great app, with a low memory consumption of itself.
Miscellaneous applications for your phone:
Listed below are some apps that allow to use our smartphone in ways we didn’t even dream of.Often needs arise for us to reply to SMS while using our PC or laptop such tasks can be easily performed. There are a variety of applications that allow the smartphone to be controlled from your PC. Airdriod is one such amazing app.
Another way to make effective use of our smartphones is to use it in multi-media presentations. Applications like Team viewer are great for such purposes.Making use of smartphones powerful led to help out in outdoor scenarios like camping, or car break down. Most smartphones provide this functionality by default. For those few that don’t there are many apps available with good user interfaces to provide this service.