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Facebook’s another intriguing feature – Legacy Contact

Mar 22, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

So many users of this social network would’ve wondered at some point what would happen to their accounts once they pass away. But then these thoughts would’ve had one answer, they will remain locked or perhaps deactivated due to inactivity. This option is one of it’s kind, in the world of social networks. Facebook is a pioneer to introduce such a concept.We can only evade death for as long as it’s in our fate. No matter our creed or faith, all of us somehow prepare for it. This feature kind of will act as reminder of death. On whole this idea is quite fun as well.It’s like leaving an online imprint of yourself, a way of remembrance.

What is Legacy contact?

This new feature is named Legacy contact feature. As of now it’s enhance available in the US. With this upcoming feature for the rest of the world many users will be now thinking in whom they can put their faith in to have access (partial control) of their account.

A trusted contact can be selected, family or friend. Once this trusted contact notifies Facebook of your demise.Your account will be transformed into your online memorial account. The term Remembering will appear behind the profile name, hence clarity is maintained.

Also Read How to deactivate Facebook account quickly

Access granted to Legacy Contact<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Legacy-Contact-access.png" alt="Legacy-Contact-access">

Now about the access granted to the legacy contact will be as following:

  • Make post on behalf of the deceased person.
  • Respond to new friend requests.
  • Update profile picture and cover photo of the profile.

The legacy contact will just have the rights to decide about the things mentioned above.

Access denied to Legacy Contact

Legacy contact will be denied access to the following:

  • Account login information.
  • Account settings.
  • Personal messages, inbox of the deceased.

Apart from these you can choose if you want to allow the legacy contact to download your profile data and archive it. (Profile pictures, photos & posts.)

How to add a Legacy Contact<img src="http://www.thenextrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Legacy-contact-settings.png" alt="Legacy contact settings">

A legacy contact can be added from security settings, this feature is being rapidly used in the states. It would be gradually rolled out for the rest of the world.

Alternative to Legacy Contact feature

Facebook has also provided an alternative to legacy contact feature. To have your account permanently deleted upon your death. Though it’s unclear whether how it will be enacted, e.g if someone will have to notify Facebook support team of the person’s demise.

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