Facebook Moments have a standalone website

Apr 18, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Facebook Moments have a standalone website now. The Moments was first a feature on the Facebook app but now it is has a separate standing.  Facebook moments was developed to keep a track of your photos and keep them coordinated and together. Sometimes it becomes very tedious as to maintain a track of all your pictures. Sometimes the pictures were not taken by you and your friends have them. Other times you are not in a picture but tagged in it because it is related to you. So in order to keep all the cluttered and scattered picture that you are interested in together in an organized way, Facebook Moments was launched.

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Facebook Moments website

The Moments website is mainly available to promote the App. The site itself has very little to offer on its own. The Facebook Moments app did not manage to become as popular as other features of Facebook. It is a big surprise that something with the name of Facebook to tag along has not been able to big a big splash as expected. That is the reason the website has been launched to attract more users to the app.

Besides photo sharing and photo organizing the other main purpose of Facebook Moments is to auto sync your Facebook Photos. It will create the backup of the photos on your mobile in an attempt of syncing the all the photos. Besides that, there are some facial recognizing features available in the App also.

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Although the Moments is for privately sharing picture between friends but there is also an option available that will share all your pictures on the Facebook to so your other friends in the friend list can view them also.

Have you used Facebook Moments? Do you like the app? What do you think about the Facebook Moments Website? Let us know by commenting below.  check out the new Moments website right here.

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