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Exciting Times For NASA, Thanks To Google AI

Dec 11, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Exoplanets are celestial bodies that revolve around other than the sun.Only a few years ago, such discoveries were celebrated as a sensation, but thanks to modern telescopes, more and more are being discovered.Meanwhile, it’s about analyzing the data, and thanks to the help of AI technologies, there will be news soon. Now, NASA has made a big announcement.


The US space agency NASA has announced a press conference for next Thursday. It wants to announce a significant news regarding exoplanets, which is exactly what one does not want to betray in advance.
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However, according to Space.com, it is already known that Google will play a role in this.Because the discovery that you can imagine has become possible with the help of machine learning and Google. NASA explained in a communication that this AI discipline enabled much more efficient analysis of space telescope data.

The telescope is able to capture a lot of data, but you have to use computers for its processing. Because the “planet hunter” Kepler detects small deviations in the brightness, which can not be seen with the naked eye.Because the data, which the NASA researchers study until today, are for the most part already older and were registered between 2009 and 2013.

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The first mission of Kepler was to “stare” continuously at around 150,000 stars. This ended in May 2013, because at that time a component for stabilization was lost. The problem could be solved later, the Space Telescope has since been on a second mission called “K2”. Again, the search for exoplanets in the foreground, but the scope is slightly lower, especially because Kepler now has other tasks to do.


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