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Ex Facebook Exec Says He Is Complicit In The Destruction Of Social Norms

Dec 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Another former participant in the rapid rise of Facebook today believes that he has not just done society a favor with his work.He has a “huge debt” on it, said Chamath Palihapitiya, who was responsible for several years for the growth of user numbers.

Facebook’s Ex-Manager

He is by no means exclusively and explicitly concerned with Facebook, but with the entire functionality of the social media area. Of course, Facebook is the undisputed market leader of outstanding importance here. Today, he is convinced that tools have been created here that destroy the social fabric of society, said Palihapitiya, according to a report by The Verge in a lecture at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
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It’s basically just about short-term feedback loops. Whether these come in the form of Likes or anything else,  with them are now proven and well-rehearsed foundations of question on which the social fabric previously worked. There is no more civil discourse, no cooperation, there are misinformation and mistrust, says Palihapitiya.

And that had become a global problem – it was not just about Russian ads in the US election campaign. Palihapitiya reported an incident in India where WhatsApp circulated false announcements about abductions. The result was an angry mob whose self-justice victimized seven innocent people.
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That’s what we’re dealing with here, Palihapitiya explained. One can imagine what proportions that can take in case of doubt.According to the former Facebook manager, the functioning of social media is the worst conceivable form of negotiating social issues and problems.

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Palihapitiya is by no means alone with his point of view. Sean Parker also said he had become a clear adversary of social media in recent years, given developments. Parker was one of Facebook’s first investors, helping to make the site commercially successful.


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