The Silicon Valley Hunger Games: 1 in 4 Face Food Insecurity

Dec 13, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

In Silicon Valley, rampant poverty is becoming ever more dramatic.In the core region, more than every fourth inhabitant is in a situation in which it must be said that a proper diet is no longer guaranteed – or to put it in colloquial terms: the hunger risk is high.

Silicon Valley

The area, known as the Silicon Valley, is home to about 2.3 million people. Of these, half a million work in the IT companies that are based here. They generate sales of a whopping $ 180 billion a year. And many managers and developers also earn a lot of money. Accordingly, the region is internationally recognized as a pioneer when it comes to nutrition – because many well-deserving people pay more and more attention to what is on the table.
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For many people, the situation is much worse every day. According to a recent study by the Second Harvest Food Bank, 26.8 percent of people in Silicon Valley simply can not afford to eat properly. That’s 720,000 people. Again and again, these meals may simply turn out to be dependent on tablets or food brands, or are only affordable if other bills such as those for rent or electricity are pushed backward, according to a report by the British Guardian.

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“We call this the Silicon Valley paradox,” said Steve Brennan of Second Harvest, which corresponds to the well-known Tafel organization. “The better the economy develops, the more people come to us.” Since the economic crisis almost ten years ago, the IT industry in Silicon Valley has recovered well and demand for tablets has risen by 46 percent.

This is simply because the high proportion of very wealthy people in Silicon Valley is driving up the cost of living massively. This leads to dramatic consequences even for normal earners. There are already numerous reports that hardly anyone who does not belong to the rich IT people can afford a home in the region.In the meantime, tech companies are even beginning to build their own social housing, so that the various employees with everyday tasks – such as janitors, cleaning staff, cooks and so on – even find a roof over their heads.
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This leads to grotesque situations, so for example, as reported by a woman who ensures in their full-time job that the programmers get on Facebook at any time free healthy food on the corporate campus. At home, however, she has to reach back to the blackboard and food stamps to feed her two daughters. Because most of the income goes for a small apartment on it – even tiny apartments rents in Silicon Valley cost four-digit range.

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