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Domain Authority: Be A Leader In Your Niche

May 10, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Domain authority refers to the power of a domain name. It is significant a search engine ranking factor. Domain authority depends on three things: popularity, size, and age. If you have a blog, you probably aim to rank high on Google. That’s a common ambition a lot of bloggers share. Domain authority can help you increase your ranking.

What Is Domain Authorityincrease DA score

According to Moz, which actually coined the term Domain Authority, “Domain Authority (DA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank.”

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How Is Domain Authority Score Calculated?

Domain Authority takes many factors into account like the number of total links, MozTrust, linking root domains, MozRank. Domain Authority is calculated on a 100-point, logarithmic scale. So it easier to from a score of 20 to 30, but comparatively difficult to go from 70 to 80. Websites with many high-quality external links (like Wikipedia or Google.com) are at the of the Domain Authority scale, while small businesses and sites with not so many inbound links have a much lower Domain Authority score. Brand new sites and blogs always start with a score of one.

How To Increase Domain Authority

Now comes the juicy part. You must all be wondering how to increase domain authority. Here are some ways:

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Post Quality Content

This one is a no-brainer. You must write quality content to have a good DA score. Your content must not only be unique, it must also be easily understandable. To write great content, you must have a strategy. Contrary to popular belief, it does not matter a lot how long you write. You should instead opt to write relevant and unique content. Always remember content is king. Your content attracts visitors. Also use GIFs, videos, and images to make your content more attractive and interesting. Also try to use infographics because they are embedded, and can help your post go viral. Your posts should have a good length. This means you should aim to write more than 800 words. Generally, longer articles are seen as the more informative ones. If you post short, dry content, your domain authority score might suffer. Never copy someone else’s post and use it on your blog. Try to use synonyms instead of repeating the same words. Try to stick to your subject and do not go off topic. Try to make your content look professional.


On-Page SEO is also used for optimization. It can greatly help you to increase your domain authority score. It revolves around technical factors such as keyword placement, page title, and keyword density. Be careful about keyword density. Keep it between 0.5 and 1.5%. Use heading tags like H1, H2, H3, etc for highlighting the main points. Use targeted keywords for your blog pot. Try to use long tail keywords as they rank easily. Try to use the main keyword in the first paragraph too. Try to use an SEO-friendly permalink structure that has your focus keyword. Write a meta description. Never leave it blank. It should also have the focus keyword in it. Write attractive titles which also have the keyword. Try to start the title with the keyword. Image optimization can also boost the SEO status. If you are not paying attention to SEO, your website can suffer. SEO optimization is the key to getting ranked on Search engines. Good SEO practices can improve your DA score.

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Internal linking increases a user’s average time spent on your website, so it reduces the bounce rate. By linking to your older posts, you will make your new post more informative and interesting. You should only link to posts that are relevant to the post you are writing. This will make it easier for bots to find the content of your website and crawl them easily. Internal linking also helps with Page Authority (PA). Interlinking lets both the bots and users to navigate your site easily. Make sure all the internal links are do-follow.

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High-Quality Links

It will not be easy to generate high-quality links, but it will be so worth it. A lot of bloggers make a mistake here. They make low-quality links which do not contribute anything of value and reduces the rank of their website on Google. People who generate backlinks using illegal means will suffer. They risk losing their ranking and Google may penalize their website. Here are some ways to generate backlinks:

Share Your Posts On Social Media Websites

Most of the social media sites have a very high Domain Authority. If you share your posts on websites such as Twitter and Facebook, you get a new audience. If your content is good and gets shared a lot, it may even go viral. No matter how good your content is, you must promote it. Do not spam your posts. Market them skillfully.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is also a great way to increase your website’s authority and to get referral traffic. It is also very safe. Do not look at guest posts as just a way to get traffic. Write good quality guest posts. Just because it os not going to be on your website, does not mean it should be written half-heartedly. Try to submit your guest blogs to high authority website. Do not stuff the article with links. Only use a few, relevant links.

Remember, your content is the main link builder. Strive to write high quality, original content. Try to create linkable content.

Remove Bad Links

Make sure to remove bad links regularly as they can affect your rank. Weed out toxic and spammy links. Maintain your link profile, keep it clean and spotless. If you do not remove bad links regularly, you might lose your position in SERPs. Bad links negatively affect your Domain Authority because you must have a good link profile to get a high DA score. Try to remove bad links regularly, and create quality links.

Domain Age

The age of your domain help increases your website’s ranking and Domain Authority score. If your is a couple of years old and still active, it means you have been generating quality posts. This would imply that your website is not a spam website. If your website is new, do not worry about the DA score. Keep posting quality content and as time passes, your Domain Authority will increase. Domain age matters a lot. This does not mean that new websites have no chance of increasing ranking or improving DA. But, it will take some time.

Blog Regularly

In order to increase Domain Authority, you should post regularly. It might seem difficult to post regularly, but if you do, it will be easier to improve your domain authority. You should be consistent. Regular posting will also get you more traffic, more revenue, and higher page rank. It will also make it easier to link internally. You will also improve your writing skills if you post regularly. Your visitors will always have something new to read.

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If you follow these tips, your Domain Authority will increase with time. Do not worry if your DA is low right now. Just be consistent and follow good practices.

Do you have a blog? Which factor do you think contributes the most to Domain Authority? Share with us in the comments below!

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