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Creating great content for your blog

Mar 29, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Once you have created a blog the main thing is to populate it with quality content. If you want a regular readership then it is very important you have latest content that is updated regularly. Creating great content for your blog is very important because if a reader reads an article on your site and really likes it, he would like to visit the site again. If he visits the site and does not see anything new he would leave after two or three tries, never to come back again.

There are so many blogs that have latest news and great content that is updated regularly that there is no room for slackers. If you want regular readership there should be a regular stream of new and incoming content.

Creating great content: Quality vs Quantity

We just discussed about quantity, readers visit, see no new content and they leave for good. However that certainly does not mean you can compromise on quality. Quality is of outmost importance too. There are blogs on almost every topic under the sun. If you lose a notch in quality there are ten other blogs on the same niche to compete with you.

So provide reader with both quality and quantity.

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If you are thinking that there is a huge amount of content online and instead of going through the pain of writing something new, why not just copy someone’s work and publish it on your blog. Think again. Plagiarism is a BIG NO. It is the death of your blog. There are a number of plagiarism detection tools and good websites keep a check that whether their content is being copied or not.

If your blog is caught carrying plagiarized content, there can be serious consequences. So the best thing is to create original content, otherwise do not create any content at all.

Write on something new

Write a blog about a niche that has not been explored that much. Trying to conquer a saturated market is much more difficult than the less explored one. You can write on popular topics too if you have something new to add to it, like personal experiences. If you write about something that has already been explored to a great extend there will be a limited market for it. If readers are loyal to a blog about a niche it is difficult to make them move away from it.

So write on something unique or write in a unique way that will trigger the interest of your user.

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Make catchy and attractive Headings

This cannot be stressed enough. The headings are usually what people will click to go to your article. If the heading is good only then the user will be interested in going to the article and reading it. Firstly the heading should be clear and must inform the user exactly what they are going to be reading. Sometimes you want to write something subtle, then go for the exclamatory expression. Make it something that user will be attractive to. For example ‘Spice up your summer image’ is much attractive then How to dress up in summers or Be the genius is more appealing than Exercises to improve your IQ.

Keep your facts Straight

This is also very very important. If you are writing on news, guides or any other information make sure that what you write is absolutely true. Double check the facts and figures before putting them in your blog for creating great content. One single mistake can make your blog discredited forever. Also people are quick to point out mistakes. They will comment on the blog about the mistake and everyone who visit the site will know you have put up something wrong. Even if you are quick to correct your mistake, you will definitely lose some readership. So make sure you write well researched correct stuff in your blog.

Use images to make content lively

Images add towards the beautification of your blog. It is a good practice to add images to your blog but do not overdo it. Add an image where you are explaining something and adding an image wilt help the user in understanding the concept you are explaining easily.

Try to use your own images. nowadays when mobile cameras are good enough for a photo shoot, you can shoot the images with your cameras, then apply any filter to them a professional look. Otherwise there are a number of webpages that offer free of cost images for use in your blog. However the problem with content from such sites is that you do know know that how many times the content has been sold and resold over the internet. With your own personal images there is no scare of images being copied from over the net.

If you are using images from the internet,, give the credits to the photographer. Citing the source of your content increases the credibility of your blog.

Also Read “Blogging!!! Is it that simple to make money?

Use simple and understandable languages

When you are writing a blog post there is no need to be extra fancy and write very difficult and long sentences. The best approach is to write in a simple to understand language for creating great content. The blog has global audience they may not be able to understand English language very well. So keeping the writing straight forward and simple is essential to get more reader ship.

Use friendly and encouraging tones

Make the tone in your articles friendly and encouraging. Give small praises when user has finished a part of your blog. if it is on fitness, dieting or any other avtivity , use extra caution. If someone is unable to carry out their fitness routine, they must be already feeling depressed. There is no need to remind them about their mistake.

These are some tips for creating great content and to improve your blog. Are they useful? let us know what you think by commenting below.


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