Considering A Waterproof Smartphone? Here Is What You Need To Know!

Jul 5, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Most of us are inseparable from our smartphones. We sleep with our phones by our side and we check our phones first thing in the morning. Because of this constant use, our phones are more prone to water damage. Ladies (and gents), those bathroom selfies come at a price! Thankfully, there are some waterproof smartphones in the market that can withstand water. This is possible thanks to a special treatment of the internal parts by means of adhesives and other materials, which causes the water not to penetrate the inside of the device. It is no coincidence that these types of smartphones are more than water resistant, they are also resistant to dust, because if water does not enter these devices, how can dust enter them?

Waterproof Smartphoneswaterproof smartphone

Each device has its certification, so it is not resistant to water in the same way. There are, for example, those which only resist spraying. And there are even those which can be put in a glass full of water as we have seen in some commercials, or in a pool. But even the most water resistant has its limits. Waterproof smartphones are made more with the optics to avoid accidental water damage from accidental falls. They are not meant to stay for long periods of time under water, otherwise, sooner or later the water will enter and break them. It is also recommended that due attention is paid while purchasing a waterproof smartphone, as different certifications mean different things. Not all waterproof smartphones are created equal. The IP67, IP68 and other certifications are only guaranteed for fresh water, not salt water. As far as pricing is concerned, waterproof smartphones are usually not cheap. This is because the costs for the materials needed to make waterproof devices are not at all low, indeed. That’s why the overwhelming majority of these devices are top of the range.

IP Certification of Waterproof Smartphones

Waterproof smartphones are not all the same. Some are just waterproof and some are fully waterproof smartphones. What’s the difference between these two types of devices? Simple: the first is only water-resistant, so at best it can resists splashes. Seconds, however, are totally immune to water, and this means that they can also be submerged under the water, and will not be harmed. But, there are no completely waterproof smartphones and even the most waterproof ones have limits. But the various certifications can help you recognize the degree of impermeability. These are values that indicate exactly how much water a smartphone can withstand. When you see a waterproof smartphone, you will find its waterproofness identified by a 2-letter certification code, which is always IP, and 2 numbers that follow these 2 letters. The first number indicates dust resistance, while the second number indicates the degree of water resistance. The degree of dust resistance ranges from 1 to 6, while the one for water resistance ranges from 1 to 9. If at one of the 2 numbers you find an X (such as the IPX7 on the third generation Moto G Released by Motorola) means that certification is not present (Moto G does not have dust resistance). As for water resistance, number 1 indicates immunity to drops of water falling vertically. Number 2, on the other hand, indicates a drop in water droplets with a tilt of up to 15 degrees vertically. Number 3 begins to give a little more concreteness because it protects against rain and splashes of water that fall vertically up to a 60-degree inclination. Number 4 protects against all types of splashes, while number 5 protects against the most powerful jets coming from every direction. Number 6 protects against waves, while numbers 7 and 8 begin to identify completely waterproof smartphones, so those that can withstand diving up to one meter deep ( IP67 degree ) and over one meter deep ( grade IP68 ).To conclude, there is the number 9 which indicates water splash protection that is delivered at both high pressure and high temperature. As for dust resistance, number 1 identifies solid body protection over 50 mm, while number 2 protects against solid bodies larger than 12 mm. Number 3 protects against bodies of 2.5 mm or greater, the number 4 from bodies with dimensions of 1 mm or greater, the number 5 the partial protection against dust and finally the number 6 means total protection against dust .

IP67 and IP68

IP67 and IP68 are the most advanced standards with regard to water resistance (apart from the 9 which has not been seen so far). Because of this, they are also the most used by manufacturers to make waterproof smartphones. And they are the ones that guarantee the resistance to dive under the water. And it’s easy to understand why they are the most used since the user always wants the best and that simply splashproof design does not attract much marketing. If you want a phone with which you want to be comfortable with the water you will have to buy one that has this kind of certification. The two certifications differ from one another obviously, and in the specific IP68 is more powerful than the IP67. As for the IP67, it usually guarantees water resistance for temporary dives, so even if smartphones are waterproof devices with this certification, you can not keep them in the water for a long time.

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But beware, however, because there are some manufacturers that, even though they claim this certification, release waterproof smartphones that can withstand water for a long time. An example is the latest Apple iPhone, Apple’s iPhone 7, along with its iPhone 7 Plus variant. These smartphones are IP67 certified, but they can actually stand underwater for a period of thirty minutes and can also reach a depth of one meter. So in this case, this is a dive that is far from temporary, because, the duration for which the phone remains underwater is the same as the upper standard. The IP68 certification is the highest degree you can find on waterproof smartphones, and the devices can withstand not only more water time but also more depth than other certifications. Almost all the waterproof smartphones that come with IP68 standards can withstand underwater for up to thirty minutes and can be submerged to a depth of one and a half feet.

Also Read: The Best Waterproof Smartphones of 2017

IP68 smartphones can survive under water for an extended period of time. Examples of normal IP68 waterproof smartphones are Samsung Galaxy S8 and Sony Xperia XZ Premium. So next time you are considering a waterproof smartphone, do consider the certifications.

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