Chrome Ad Block
What is perceived as disturbing was set differently for desktop and mobile. For this purpose, the Better Ads campaign has classified advertising formats as “Bad Ads”. For example, pop-up ads and self-launching video banners with sound on both platforms are classified as annoying and are thus blocked.
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In an explanatory article, Google now refers to the additional requirements for the adblocker. Advertisements are filtered if they have the status “incorrect” in the so-called Ad Experience report for more than 30 days. The publisher will have 30 days to improve the chance before his ad is no longer displayed in Chrome. In other browsers, there is currently no corresponding quality filter.
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The launch date is also between the release dates of Chrome 64 (January 23) and Chrome 65 (March 6). So Google will release the new feature to users on the server side and will not release a Chrome major update for it. In April, there were first rumors about Google’s Adblock initiative. Since then, the meaningfulness of the measure is being discussed, partly because Google, as the market leader, could exploit its market power.