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Bring Google’s View Image Back With These Extensions

Feb 20, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Only a few days ago, the Google image search had lost one of the most important functions.While it is officially no longer possible to view a photo in full size via a button, browser extensions have now been released to bring the feature back. With some extensions, you may get the view image option back.

Google View Image

For a long time, it was possible to view an image found via Google Image Search in the original resolution. For this purpose, a corresponding button was implemented, which refers to the original image. The search engine company has now removed the view image button, however, since, among other things, the image seller Getty Images has acted against a direct display of their own images.

Now, for Google’s Chrome browser as well as for the Mozilla Firefox various browser extensions have appeared, which promise the return of the button for viewing images in full size. The extensions are scripts that run when you start the image search and then make changes to the source code of the page so that an additional button for downloading or viewing the photos appears. You can try the following extensions:

View Image

Google Search View Image Button

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Nevertheless, the relevant extensions might get removed from the stores of the respective browser again. This is mainly true for Chrome because the software is directly controlled by Google. It is therefore recommended that you install the extensions as quickly as possible before they are removed if you wish to use the “view image” button in the future as well.


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