Bring Your Blog Back To Life With These Easy Tips

Jun 3, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Have you been upset with the performance of your blog lately? Maybe you are not getting as many visitors as you used to. Maybe you never find time now to write a post for your blog. Maybe you are doing everything you can but your blog is still thinking. It is easy to give up during these thinks. You might feel demotivated. You may feel that your competitors are doing a lot better than you and you will not be able to catch up. But that’s the thing. You can always catch up. No matter how low your readership is today you can still get back on track. You can revive your blog with some simple tips. The basic thing is not to give up. So what if your blog isn’t doing so well right now. Keep working on it and you will see results. They key is to remain consistent.

Tips To Revive Your Blogrevive your blog

Figure Out The Problem

If you want to revive your blog you have to be honest with yourself. Think about why your blog readership went down in the first place. Is it because you do not post enough now? Are you unable to post regularly because you are out of time? How original is your content? Is your content just summarizing what’s already available on the internet? You need to assess the quality of your blog posts. Run of the mill blog posts will not get you a loyal following. Before trying to bring your black back to life, you will have to address the real problem. Once you have figured out the problem, solve it.

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Address The Core Issuesrevive your blog

Now that you have found the main problem, try to solve it. If you do not have time to post often, try to get more efficient. Try to take out time for writing a post regularly. If that seems too hard, try hiring someone to write for you. If you think your content is boring, look for inspiration. Go through other blogs in your niche. See how they are attracting viewership.

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Take A Break

Maybe you are too tired and need a break to rejuvenate yourself. Tiredness and mundanity can make you less creative. When you are tired, bored, and stressed out, you can’t work efficiently. If you think you haven’t taken a break in a long time, do it now. Give yourself some time off for a week. Plan a little trip. If that is not possible, just explore your own city. Go out. Relax. After a week, you will feel de-stressed and rejuvenated. Then you will be in a better frame of mind to revive your blog.

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Apologize To Your Readerssave dying blog

If you just stopped blogging all of a sudden, it might have upset your loyal followers. You abandoned them without any explanation. They must be pretty angry at you, and rightfully so. Write an email to them and apologize for being mia. Tell them about the reason for your absence. Inform them about your plans to blog again. Ask them for ideas. Ask them what they want you to blog about. This will make them feel important.

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Offer A Freebie To Your Readers

What’s the best way to win someone’s heart? A gift of course. Try to write a little e-book for your email subscribers. Make sure the e-book has valuable information. Maybe you can offer them a cheat sheet or some information about a new trend. Free gifts are very enticing. Not only will a freebie attract readers to your blog, it will also send a message to your old readers that you are still very much in the game and you know what’s going around. This could be your chance to win back their trust.

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Share Your Plans With Your Readers

What if you win back your readers only to lose them again? What if they get too busy and stop visiting your blog. What if they ignore your emails every day. What a pity would that be? You don’t want that happening. Before getting back in the game, make a plan. Think about some exciting topics you are going to write about. Think about tips and tricks that you can share with your readers. Share this plan with your email subscribers. If what you have in store appears exciting to them, they will wait for it. This way they will keep hooked to your blog. Make sure the content you create is unique, original, helpful, and gripping. If you let down your loyal readers here, you might lose them for good.

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Be Active On Social Mediarevive your dying blog

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are a great way to attract visitors. You need to invest time in social media marketing. Make sure you have a presence on all the major social media platforms. Whenever you write a post, publicize it on your social media accounts. If you think your past strategy is not working, try to change. Search for social media marketing tips online. See how your competitors operate their pages.

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Redesign Your Blog

Nothing screams revival like a good makeover. If you want to revive your blog, think about redesigning it. Get a new theme. Change the logo. If you cannot make a logo yourself, hire a freelancer to do it for you.

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Make A Worst 10 List

Lists are so popular on the internet. We tend to click on them too. Everyone makes Top 10 lists, how about you make a worst 10 lists? May a list of 10 worst hotels or 10 worst mobile phones. This will give a twist to these lists. These lists will also be more fun to read than the typical top 10 lists.

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Start A Podcast/Audio Seriesrevive blog

If you want to revive your blog, you have to be creative. You have to do something new. I good idea is to launch a podcast or an audio series. If ou do not have the time and resources for a full blow series, think about an audio book. This will offer your visitors something new. This can also be a great opportunity for you to target new customers. If your audio book is a hit, you can think about an audio series or a podcast. This will give diversity to your blog.

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Interview Someonerevive blog

Interviews are a great way to attract attention. Try to interview the leaders in your nuche. If you are unable to do that, as leaders are not so easy to get hold of, look for quite players. Look for people who aren’t that famous or prominent but have done some remarkable work. These people can provide valueable information and insights for your readers.

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Survey Your Customers

What better way to find out what your customers need than asking them. Send out surveys to your readers. Make sure the survey isn’t too long or else your customer may get bored and leave it midway. Ask readers what they want you to write about. Ask them about their unsolved problems. In addition to asking them what they want to read about, ask them what they don’t want to read about. Some topics have been done to that and bloggers often do not realize that. Stop writing on topics readers no longer want to read about.

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Do A Review

A lot can happen in a year. It is hard to keep track of everything. Create a post for your readers which has information about all the major news and development of the last year. This will be an interesting read for your readers.

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Be Up To Date

Do not put off your reader by writing about old trends and topics. Keep yourself up to date. When there is a new trend, try to be the first one in your niche to post about it. Research about the upcoming trends and topics in your niche. Try to keep an eye out for them. Your readers must see you as someone who is aware of the latest development. If you can establish yourself as someone who provides breaking news and posts on latest trends, your readers will look upto you and wait for your posts. This is a brilliant strategy to revive your blog. It wll not only bring back your old readers, but also get you new ones.

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Predict Trendsrevive blogs

Try to predict trends. By this, we do not mean you should speculate or make rumours. Try to research more. Be in the know. Study trends. Study patterns. Try to see where the industry is headed. Present your predictions in a post. Tell your readers why you made  aparticular prediction. If your prediction comes true, you will gain a lot of importance. You will be valued as someone who has an eye for upcoming trends/products. This will differentiate you from others in your niche. As a blogger, this is something you should always strive for.

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Write On Season Topics

Capitalize on seasons and festivities. So, for instance, you can do a post on Cyber Monday on all the hot deals before anyone else in your niche. Or, if you run a fashion blog, you can write about the colors that would be in the next season. In addition to that, you can do personal posts to. Tell people how you prepare for a festival. Include pictures of your preparations. This will make your post very interesting.

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Comment On Hot Topics

Don’t be shy about posting your opinions on a trending topic. Do no be afraid that you will upset your readers. Give your views on trending topics. Do not go with the flow just for the heck of it. Tell people what you really feel. In doing say, be respectful of everyone. This can help you gaina  lot of attention. It will also establish your image as an opinionated person.

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Attract Attentionrevive dying blog

Put yourself out there. make it impossible for people to ignore you. Write compelling posts. Write even more compelling guest posts. Make your presence felt everywhere. When the readers in your niche notice you in a lot of blogs, their curiosity is bound to increase.

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If your blogging is going through a tough time, do not worry. You can revive your blog. Just give it some time and make some effort. Be consistent. Don’t get motivated. Remind yourself why you started the blog in the first place and let that reason motivate you. If your blog was successful before, it can be successful again.

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What is the best way to bring your blog to life? Share tips you used to revive your blog with us in the comments below!

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