Boost Social Media Sharing With IFTTT

Aug 8, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

In our last article we explained about what IFTTT is and how you can link your blog with your social account. If you don’t know how to link your social accounts with your blog for automatic sharing, then read the article below, there is also a tutorial video for your convenience. Since Social media sharing is now an important factor in search engine optimization therefore, IFTTT if dealt properly might be very helpful.

How To Link Your Facebook With WordPress Site Using IFTTT

Importance of Social Media Sharing

As you are well aware of the fact that now a days social media engagement are taken into account in raking your site and also in Mozz Domain Authority and Page Authority. Apart from this social media sharing increase your website traffic, resulting in more readership and more profit. So do not ignore social media sharing or underestimate it. Famous sites gets more readership and traffic from social media sharing.

Plan to Boost your Social Media Sharing

Friends and your social media circle is really important, so before we making new fans and followers try and utilize your friendship. After all what are friends for if they don’t help you 😛

So here is a great plan to take help from your friends and boost your social media engagement.
For instance if you have 10 writers writing for your blog including yourself. On average everyone has more then 500 Facebook friends and among them there must be at least 10 friends who are close to the writer. So what do you do

  1. Convince your 10 close friends to use IFTTT and link your website with their social media wall.
  2. Convince your 10 writers to use IFTTT and link their social media wall with your website.
  3. Convince your writers to convince 10 of their friends to connect their Facebook and/other social media profiles with your website.
  4. That’s All, it might be hard to convince and link your friends social media profiles because every one is not that much into new technology, but a little effort is worth it.

So now you have 10 (your friends) + 10 (your writers) + 100 (your writers Friends 10 x 10), meaning a total share on 120 Facebook profiles. Approximately on average every one has more then 500 friends. so as soon as you publish a post, it will have a reach up to 120×500 =  60,000 people, just imagine your article readership after that. If your article is of good quality, some thing informative and interesting people will share it also, so the cycle continues to move on and on.

What you need to do is be social on Facebook, make more friends, followers interested in the niche you write on. so try and increase your friend list to 2000 friends and more.

This Maths is just for Facebook, since your prior objective is getting more readership to your website/article, therefore try and be active on at least 7 main social media networks such as FacebookTwitter, Google Plus, RedditLinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest. See earning and getting views are not that easy nor you are Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg that you post one and people will die to read it and or love to share it. Literally you have to earn your readership with hard-work and dedication. Managing 7 accounts might be difficult so is earning, so how about you manage one account a day, so in one week you are active on all 7? or you can give a cycle of being active on 2 or 3 accounts a day and repeat the cycle after every 2nd or 3rd day? There are 100s of ways in which you can manage your time and social media accounts while being busy in your other stuff.

Since On-Page SEO is exteremly important therefore, make sure its perfect when you publish an article

Also Read “On-Page SEO practice a blogger should adopt

Social media sharing maths again with 7 social media profiles

with 1 profile having 500 friends,  requesting your 10 friends, 10 writers and 10 of writer’s friends to link there 1 social media account with your website for automatically sharing you got 60,000 post reach, and assuming 10% open your article therefore, you got 6000 views? obviously if some one open your article they will read few more from the site too, so it give views to other articles also therefore, increasing your page view/secession.

Also Read “How to post your blog on WordPress

So for 7 social media profiles we simply multiply the result with 7 which results in 420,000 post reach. Isn’t it great social media sharing? Isn’t it what you wanted? Remember what was discussed earlier to increase every social media account to 2000+ friends/followers. Since your friends wont cooperate and increase their friend list to 2000+ still with your 7 profiles it will give boost. 420,000 previous post reach with 500 friends, since you and your 10 writers will be making 2000, i.e. 1500 more friends in 7 social media accounts therefore, 1500 (new followers) x 10 (writers) x 7 (social media profiles)  = 105,000 extra post reach. So in total you will get 525,000 post reach.

So since you will be having 525,000 post reach, assuming 10% opens your article and 2% shares it will result in 52500 views of your article and 10500 social media shares. with such a good social media share people will circulate your article and it will keep on getting shares and get views for you. If you are getting as little as $2/1000 views ( just an approximate ), this will result in 104$ per article. This figure is just the initial earning of that article due to social media sharing, just imagine where it goes if you write good and people share and reshare it.

Remember this all hard work is one time effort, so if your social media sharing and earning is low its better to go for IFTTT for automatic sharing. Let computer do social media sharing for the rest of life, all you need to do is a little effort. Believe me its worth the time and efforts.

If On-page SEO is still giving you trouble, watch our tutorial

Video tutorial on On-Page SEO practice a blogger should adopt

After linking your IFTTT the problem arises what if you have more then one blogs and you want them to be links to your social media accounts. Simple solution is make a separate IFTTT account and link with them.

Here is an example how I have used IFTTT on my new site Fashion Ki Batain to automatically share all articles on its official social media profiles to boost its social media sharing.

Boost Social Media Sharing With IFTTT

Do let me know what you think about this plan, comment box is always open for your valuable feedback 🙂

let’s get connected

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