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Blog Commenting: An Easy Way To Bring Traffic To Your Blog

May 9, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

To run a successful blog, you must write and post meaningful posts regularly. Apart from that, your posts should be SEO optimized. But, that’s not all. You should also market your blog and interact with other bloggers. This will help you get traffic. One of easiest ways to get some traffic to your blog is blog commenting. Do not overlook blog commenting as something simple and tedious.

Benefits Of Blog Commentingblog commenting tips

Blog commenting is a great way to get some traffic. Some people avoid it as it seems spammy to them. The trick is to comment in a sensible way. Do not appear spammy while commenting. Post meaningful comments. In fact, spammy comments can be a put-off. Blog commenting is an easy way to boost the link building process. Apart from that, blog commenting helps increase your credibility, build your brand, helps with social media, and can also help your SEO campaign. Here are some other benefits of blog commenting:


Blog commenting can get traffic to your blog. If you go on high profile blogs in your niche and make intelligent and valuable comments, chances are people will visit your blog if they like your comments.

Also Read: How To Select a Niche For Blogging?

Improved Visibility

Readers browsing blogs who are related to your industry could be searching for the products/services that you provide. It is possible that those relevant people have not stumbled upon your blog yet. Making them see your name is the first step towards getting noticed and recognized. You never know who is going through the blog comments. It is recommended to use a person’s name, as it helps improve visibility and credibility both. If only your company name is visible, people will think it is just a link you want. Your aim is to improve your visibility and exposure, so it’s better to use a name.

Make Relationships

Blog commenting can help you build relationships. If you consistently post comments on a blog, it can result in a long-term relationship. Consistency is the key here. This friendly relationship may grow over time and pave way for new business opportunities or maybe opportunities for guest blog posting.

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When you comment on a blog, do not just be another commentator. Add value to the discussion. Read the whole post thoroughly and then contribute a valuable comment that will prompt comments from others. If people see that you know what you are talking about, it will increase your credibility.

Build Links

A lot of blogs let you add a website link along with your comment. Regular blog commenting can help you build links. Do keep in mind that comment links are “no follow”, so it is not done for direct inbound links. Instead, natural links are created over time because of the increased exposure.

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Use Disqus

It is a good idea to use Disqus for blog commenting! Nowadays, most blog use it for commenting. Although Disqus does not have a direct link to your blog, it will still get you some traffic. By creating an impressive Disqus portfolio,  your credibility will increase.

Learn Something New

Participating in a valueable discussion can also add to your knowledge. You will learn new things from different people. In fact, I have often seen very valuable knowledge being shared on the commenting section of different blogs.

New Blogging Ideas

Blog commenting can also give you new ideas. You will be exposed to new perspectives and more knowledge. This can change how you view a certain things. The knowledge learned can be included in yout blog post. You will get quality information for your blog this way. You can also get alternative ideas for new posts, or maybe even for a new blog.

Guest Post Opportunities

If you continually contribute valuable ideas to the comment section of the blog, the blog owner might even ask you to write a blog post. Guest blogs are a great way to get some traffic.

Also Read: Facebook Marketing Tools

Use the blog commenting tips listed above to increase traffic to your website. A lot of bloggers ignore blog commenting as they do not believe it will contribute anything to their blogs. If done right, blog commenting can be an indispensable tool.

Also Read: Top 10 SEO tools to make your site rank among the top

Have you tried blog commenting to increase traffic? Did it help you? Share with us in the comments below.

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