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Bixby not included in Galaxy S8 and S8 plus

Apr 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Huge disappointment for all those who have been waiting for Samsung Galaxy S8 series mobile. According to the latest reports, the mobile is coming without the virtual assistant Bixby in the first shipment. This is a major drawback for Samsung as Bixby was slated to be the biggest and most defining feature of the S8 and S8 Plus series. In the unveiling ceremony that took place few days ago, Samsung itself showcased Bixby to the audience. Although now we are coming to know that Bixby not included in Galaxy S8 and S8 plus.

Bixby not included in Galaxy S8 and S8 plus

Bixby, the AI assistant from Samsung that was expected to come with both Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 plus. It was Samsung’s take on the foray of virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana. However now you have to wait some more to meet Bxiby. According to the reports, Bixby is still in Beta mode and to release is now globally is out of question.

According to Samsung Official release

“Key features of Bixby, including Vision, Home and Reminder, will be available with the global launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8 on April 21,” Samsung said in a statement. “Bixby Voice will be available in the US on the Galaxy S8 later this spring.”

Will this decision effect the sales of the new mobile? Well definitely because it has been the defining feature, both in advertisements and website. Moreover the consumers were very excited about this new feature. But now after this disappointment what is going to be the new strategy of Samsung to promote the mobile sets. Well the infinity display with beautiful curved screen is also a great feature to bank on. The screen is so huge in S8 plus that it will be a great attraction. In the overall form, shape and structure of the Samsung Galaxy S8 is something that sets it apart from all the rest.

Are you still excited about Samsung S8 mobiles or you will buy them once the Bixby feature is rolled out. Share your view by commenting below.

Read More Samsung’s Bixby AI assistant finally unveiled


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