Apple has started its battery replacement program a month earlier than initially decided. Apple has also issued an apology to customers for deliberately slowing down old iPhones as batteries got compromised. Apple had not clarified which batteries will be eligible for this replacement. The Apple Genius Bar performs a diagnostic test to see if a battery retains 80% of its original capacity after 500 complete charge cycles. This causes a lot of confusion. Some customers also complained that they were denied the battery exchange as their devices did not qualify the diagnostic test.
Apple Battery
It has now been confirmed by Apple that batteries on the iPhone 6 and newer models will be replaced, no matter what the diagnostic test shows. Apple clarified this after reports about an internal memo about the new replacement policy in which it was said that customers who spend $79 for exchanging battery before the offer will be eligible for a price difference refund.
Also Read: Apple’s Battery Replacement Program Begins
Although Apple isn’t looking at the battery condition for the replacement offer, the company might not swap your battery if your phone is damaged or if third-party components are found on your phone. If you have previously replaced the battery using the non-official channels, or disassemble replacement parts, you are not entitled to the battery replacement service. And in 2016, users who participated in Apple’s official free battery also can not participate in this promotion.
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If your phone meets the replacement conditions, you are eligible for this program. You can download “Apple Support” app on the App Store, search for ” battery problems or troubleshooting “, and “save on your own” ad you can go to replace the battery. Of course, you can go to Apple’s official website for “technical support” too. Generally, replacement takes 3-4 hours, and you will not be forced to update the system to iOS 11.