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11 Things You Didn’t Know About Android P

Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Google has recently released the first preview build of the next version of its operating system, called the Android P. This is a developers preview, and as you have guessed, it is aimed at developers. Although this is just a preview version, it gives us an insight into the interesting features Android P would have. 

Android P Features

Indoor positioning with WLAN “Roundtrip”android p

Google says that indoor positioning has been a real challenge thus far. However, with Android P, Google will offer platform support for WLAN protocol IEEE 802.11mc, also known as the “WiFi Round-Trip-Time” (RTT). This would enable developers to use indoor positioning in their application and work out the position of the user, accurate to 1 to 2 meters if they have the necessary authorizations. This would enable new scenarios like in-building navigation, location-based services like disambiguated voice control, and location-based information.

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The Notch Mode

Android P is also ready to embrace the iPhone X style notch. Google has introduced the “Display Cutout Support” with Android P which takes into accounts the various models which have embraced the notch style. The display cutout has been added to the platform so that developers can control how their content is displayed. The system will adjust the height of the Status Bar automatically on Android P to extract the content from the slot. Functions will be provided which will deliver the shape and position of the cutouts to the apps. 

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Messaging Notifications Improvedandroid p

Android P will give developers the ability to provide quick access features and present notifications. The focus is on improving functions and visibility in notifications. For instance, the new Messaging Style notification style highlights the sender and the ways to reply. Developers can show conversations, attach stickers and pictures, and suggest replies too.

Also Read: Android P Developer Preview First Impression: Cool Is The Word

Camera Access Is Being Expanded

With Android P, it will be possible for developers to “simultaneously access the streams of two or more physical cameras” with Android P Developer Preview 1. This will make it possible for third-party apps to use features like the bokeh effect, seamless zoom, or stereo vision which are not possible with a camera. Another customization us that Google has given access to the optical image stabilization timestamps. At the app level, this data can be used for new effects and features. Apart from that, session parameters have been included to reduce delays during capture. Surface sharing has also been added which enables the camera client to manage different use cases without needing to stop/start camera streaming. 

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Improved Privacy

Android P will also provide more privacy and security. For instance, a restriction system would be in place for cameras, sensors, and microphones when an app is idle. When an app is no longer in use, these systems will not report to it and so the apps looking to sneak around will not get anything. Moreover, you will also be recommended to remove any language which requested background access, as those features will not work any longer. Encryption for backups with a per-network randomization of MAC addresses and a client-side secret will also be enabled. However, we will have to wait for the next Android P preview for this. Apart from that, individual apps will get better access to the fingerprint system, including a better UI so that users will know that request for authentication os from a reliable source.

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Neural Networks

Neural Networks APS was introduced with Android 8.1 to boost machine learning on Android devices. This will be expanded and improved with Android P.

Power Efficiency

Google continues to refine APp standby, Doze, and Background Limits with Android P to improve battery life.

Automatic App Launching

It seems like contextual app launching would also be a part of Android P. Android P’s SystemUI APK suggest that some predefined apps will be launched automatically when your phone connects to certain accessories or devices. However, this seems to be a work in progress right now. It is not known which apps or contexts would be supported.

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Android P’s Nameandroid p

Different Android versions are also named after desserts and sweet treats. So far, we got Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice cream sandwich, Jellybean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, and Oreo. Although the name for Android 9.0 won’t be announced until the summer, people can’t stop guessing. Some popular guesses are Android Pie and Android Pistachio. As per hints dropped by Google developers, the name might be Android Pineapple. However, the Google team is apparently internally referring to Android 9.0 as Android Pistachio Ice Cream.

Android P Release Date

It is expected that a consumer preview of Android 9.0 will be announced during the Google I/O this year, which will most likely take place from 16th to 18th May. The final consumer release is expected in August 2018.

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Android P Availability

Although Android 9.0 is expected to release in August, not all Android devices will get it as soon as it is released, Google Pixel devices will get the update first, and then new phones will start shipping with Android P out of the box. Google doesn’t issue Android updates, device manufacturers and network operators do. This is because the updates need to be tweaked first. Android P updates are confirmed for Nokia 2017 phones. After that, LG, Samsung, HTC, and Sony will start rolling out updates. However, not all devices will be able to enjoy the update because of device fragmentation.

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