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Android P Developer Preview First Impression: Cool Is The Word

Mar 8, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Google loves to surprise us and keeping up with this tradition, the search engine giant recently launched the first Android P developer preview. The much anticipated new release of Android will be preinstalled in the Google Pixel 3.

Android P Developer Preview

Earlier rumors and news had predicted the Android P developer preview to launch sometime around mid-March but Google managed to surprise everyone by launching the Android P developer preview earlier than expected. This is a major release and comes with a lot of changes and improvements.

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The most exciting part is that Android P will support the notch style. The iPhone X style notch has been embraced by many phones running on Android so it makes sense for Android P to support the notch style. However, that’s not all. Android P has a lot more to offer.

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For instance, the look of the notifications has been redesigned, particularly for messaging apps. The notifications seem to have adopted an iOS-like design, so Google has clearly drawn inspiration from Apple. A lot of improvement has been made in energy consumption for better autonomy. Android P has also adopted different measures for security and privacy. The quick toggle and settings have a new look. apart from that, major improvements have been made to system performance and applications.

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A lot of other innovations can be seen in the Android P developer preview too. However, remember that this is the first Android P developer preview release and Google is probably going to make a lot of changes and improvements. So, there are could be some random bugs and drops in the performance, but the idea is not too focus a lot on the speed and stability, but to have a feel of the overall system.

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On the top status bar of Android P, the clock has been shifted from the far right to the far left. Since the Android P is optimized notches, the notifications are placed next to the time. There are also four different app icons. A simple dot is also displayed to indicate that more options will apear as you move ahead in the notification tray. The grayscale icons seen on Oreo are gone and now there are colorful circles. Corners of the quick settings icon for Bluetooth, WiFi etc have been rounded off and placed inside circles that are colored when enabled or gray when switched off.

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android p developer preview

The dock, which contains the user’s favorite apps and the Google search bar has a clooudy background now to highlight it. Inside the search bar there is a microphone icon which gives a faster access to the Google Assistant and voice search. android p developer preview

The power off and the restart pop up on Google fix now gives you the option of taking a screenshot too. So if the usual button combo doesn’t suit a sitution, just hold down the power button and tap the screenshot button. It will take a screenshot for you.

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After relocating the power options on Oreo, Google is doing something similar with the volume slider. However, this feature still needs a little more work as it isn’t straightforward on the Android P developer preview. It is a little confusing right now.

android p developer preview review

In a lot of places, the font that Google uses for branding Pixel has been used. It is called the Product Sans and it is not clear if it was intentional or just a result for of the fact that this the first Android P developer preview. The next Android P developer preview  will come sometime in May, so we will have to wait until then to see the new change.

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Are you excited about Android P? What changes would you like to see in it? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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