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Amazon Overtakes Alphabet To Become America’s Second Most Valuable Company

Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The online shopping company Amazon seems to be unstoppable in its high-altitude flight.The stock market value of the company has risen steadily in recent days and weeks and reached new highs. Now, the company has even surpassed Google’s parent company Alphabet to became the second most valuable company in the US.


After the stock price rose again by 2.7 percent yesterday, the market capitalization reached a value of $ 768 billion. The Alphabet share, however, fell slightly by 0.4 percent, bringing the corporate value to 762.5 billion dollars. Thus, now only Apple with a value of $ 889.2 billion is more valuable than Amazon. 

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The major technology companies in the USA have virtually all developed positively within the last year – at least from the point of view of their shareholders. No one else was as steep as Amazon. Over the last twelve months, the price has risen by a whopping 85 percent. Since the turn of the year alone, the security on the stock markets climbed by an impressive 35 percent.

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And there is a good reason behind the trust and interest of investors, which is the extremely lucrative cloud business operated by Amazon. Here, Amazon is not only the clear market leader but also did some things that Amazon shareholders almost did not know. For a long time, the company basically spent all of its surpluses on expanding its business, and while the company always delivered decent revenue growth, profits were barely falling. The cloud business is now so productive that not even the construction of ever new expensive data centers would consume even nearly all surpluses.

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That is why Amazon has been able to show very impressive profits in recent times. And that, of course, gives the company even more scope to aggressively continue its expansion in the trading and distribution of digital content. And given the current trend, it may even be only a matter of time until the company overtakes Apple.


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